C16: "Deciding a way"

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Lia laughed  that creia what was hallucinating because of the consumption of the rare water of the cave and poreao confused the of the sight of the ptra coast.

To that an island what moves , will not be in reality a lion turtle or something so truth - ironically and in laughs said his reference she. In this world the oceanic currents were different. By the influence of the whatui and the form in what the elements influenciaban in the surroundings thanks to this. Being able to have islands submerged with oxygen washes or all  the subject under the water as in a bubble.

But this are things what they ignored entirely.

You know to swim yogui?-I ask him lia
The current is less strong in this moment but ea better expect to what approach a bit but nose that creatures have further of where find  the fishes. I seat an upper power to the mine forbidding of there, almost as if something was expecting to that it go out to attack- said the.

They concern me these cultivadores of the dragon and the what attacked you- the thinking in what in his greed would begin to look for them. Although she Create to what the but likely was to the by venganza to having killed to a disciple, believed what his possibilities to finish tied to a bed still were there expecting. Especially by the face of these two what litigated against the dragon.

The dragons began to emigrate to the island because there it was but sure for what do not steal his eggs although it still happened the whatuantity was lower, seldom one or two being able to resurgir his species again in the world after some centuries. In this moment the sects baio and Suu were in war because of the attempt of theft of the perla of yogui, and neither speak of the rights of the corpse of the dragon and his perla by on top of the rank earth. Much more valuable what the above-mentioned, and the worry of what a beast of divine rank there were appeared in these earths was tpdo a chaos.

Already it was rare what the dragons will attain to go in but this was been due to something in his linea of blood allowing us desobar, the fishes took advantage of the currents of the ocean for what his eggs will remain the the caves beside his cadaveres (something so as with the salmon), but they are ignorant of the existence of the matrix, atrivullendo tpdo to an earth sanctuary and other crazy theories. But now what appeared a divine beast will not be what the restriction was something caused for being is the owner of them?

All a wrap between them what ignored the signals of the matrix from the cave of yogui, avisandoles of his progress of crop.

We would have to almenos abandon the forest, in sense far of any village please- said the with tone of worry.

The bear did not know a lot of the forest but always what come cultivadores is from splits it south of the cave, being south the river. It is the first time what somebody comes west.

-Well In view of what still can not cross go eastwards following the line of the water, like this will be able to cross when being more near and will be able to feed us without líos. I am strong by it what will not dare to approach  the demas creatures, which will allow us be to the intemperie without risks of dangers. --The problem is the cold or the rain but already will see what do- reasoned yogui.

-Fua- lia Exclaim- super can of planing activated- laughed  doing Chinese movements while it exclaimed it.

Yogui Without understanding what happened him to his teacher, but entendia what the even was not recovered of  Energias because of the resources of low degree ingeridos, and the needed to recover them for desuprimir his aura. It was too much very unseen and in this estadodebilitado by more heights was his rank would be him easy die, his teacher has incredible technicians to help it to put can on perlas and is more when cultivating with his teacher that night what help it with his nightmares attain to strengthen much more, as if she there was him refinado his whatui internal.

The what sucedió is what the particles of time there weren condensed his strands of Whati doing what if crop was solider of the normal, although they existed technicians of crop, pills and able matrices to do this these were rare, reserved for the children of martial artists of rank metal.

They began the trek, was them tempted to treat to yogui like mount. But even so decided to strengthen to his physicist to be able to survive in this world, for the moment running all the what  , because of the strengthening what obtained previously his physical state was to the height of a person comun and current of this world by it what she could last more running what before.
Mñn Will be by the whatui of this world what began to improve so?- It thought them the prowhatue in so little time of training if physical state of a stone there were improved to be the one of a person average.

-Even so it is not sufficient, would not have to be able to cultivate when being of another world, will be maybe this a blessing of God? It will have given me a hack of crop?- seguia Thinking in crazy things moved away of the real reason, while oraba in gratitude the gifts received, the one of the understanding and the one to be able to cultivate.

-Definitively I do not go to be tied without that it want it!-I shout the happy, wait because without wanting to it she thinking in as the poets of isekai finished all the she could finish ewhatual and anybody will step me and expressed  badly.

Teacher because it would want to be tied?- yogui Ask.

-There is this does not know on the SM luckily- said  Lia knowing to what malente diria podria have carried his sentence.

-It referred me to that they do not go me to do his prisoner without litigating- Lia exclaimed proudly.

-Teacher do not concern  while This weakened will pay the favour of growth given by you- the was very appreciated for being able to strengthen and his teacher is a resource of excellent crop, while it sleeps the Refina his whatui to travez of. His body has to it to him!

Both using to the another without saying all the truths in his corazon, a born deep fraternity to travez of the feelings of gratitud provisto of both the thing reinforced . And when happening a month she already was in the deep realms of whatui espiritu and martial of the water without knowing it thanks to the fishes and his perlas, which lost his shine encontacto with her.

Lately because of yogui his body there were learnt to circulate the whatui by instinct allowing him absorver the Whati of what will touch incpnaientemente, clear what east had his limits could not steal the one of yogui, to not being what the neglected  in his nocturnal refinements.  Which happen  because of this his Whati espiritu there were grown.

Yogui To these heights already it there were regeneradp, but entendia what the body of the teacher was a treasure of some type, or maybe was a line of blood that she poseia, but as it was that it could absorver Whati so!.

She brought achieve in a pocket the perlas of fish  bathed in power of vetoes it, before undertaking his trip decidio do it legs so have something that trade by clothes and leave to be andrajosa.

Sode according to Yogui existed the agreements of blood and this by what could do it happen like his contractual pet if the rewhatuirirera.

-Although such see would be the best to arm a taparrabos and avoid the society- said the for her same . It wanted to buy almenos insumos of survival not to die, and live an isolated life in the mountains. Or some manuals of crop to guarantee what yogui followed like his personal Policeman.

I look forward to to read the language of this world- said  like this same with fear

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