C34: "The new swearing"

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The rays in the dolls of Ju and Dark  arrasaron, although there weren received a blessing due to the fact that his promise went headed to somebody more than them, is was realised by impure but strong feelings.

They sabian that a lot of this can was due to the fact that they were had to give the life by her and this translated  in this type of mark. This was a complain of swearing, Wraps saw this and is time do not leave it happen and ask them because it shined them. She already eataba more calmed because of the calidez that received of Ju and Dark, they followed to his side after showing so much weakness and did not go  but they remained ; this showed him that really it could trust they and that his feelings were real.

She  conmovió of this she only had to Yogui but doubted of if it would abandon it to see the weakness in his heart; Yogui also seguia here. She was happy to have 3 friends to the fín.

Ju And Dark explained him to Lía that aveces when saying that Judas and under the sky in a prayer can attract to the laws of the sky to form an agreement especially if in your heart have the intention to cause it. They had the intention that day, they said him that they swore  brothers and give the life by the another, but at all more did not want to clear that it was by her.

Partly Dark already had this obligation because of the agreement that had with her, by what neither saw important to clear him this, in addition to that had agreed to not to say him.

Yogui Was happy that Lia was more encouraged also concern him not being able to do more by her, the did not understand like handling the feelings that she showed by what only remained  looking.
The Was sustaining it doing circulate his Whati with the one of her to help to curaeña in spite of being tired, as it wanted that it will recover  fast.

Teacher always go to be for you, no this sad took care it- said Yogui to Lía to him no longer mattered him that she was a grandmaster cultivadora, she was the only with the one who was in much or time and had interconnected  with her of a special way. Especially thanks to the cultivacion that walked realising which culminated in a species of agreement "magico", said them  so to the realised by the whatui but rewhatuired of materials for pod3r consolidate. But she had piped it without need of these without giving  account.

Yogui Had connected  with her feeling the feelings of her a bit in his own skin.

She was known by these words, Dark and Ju joined him  saying him:- you Can have we also- she was very happy in his corazon but shivered remembering that Dark could be saying it in commitment due to the fact that it felt that him devia the life to her. She wise that said it with true feeling but felt that it could be confused by this debt.

-Dark I do not want that you feel you forced to serve me or in debt with me, I you lastime and Cure you do not owe me at all- said Lia distressed.

-On the contrary I planned to attack against your life, were in your right if you went to kill me, but understand your form to think- said Dark remembering the first time that had to kill.

-Still like this I want that you are free of what that you want to do, to go you if so wish it. You do not feel any commitment-Lia exclaimed, this caused that he agreement between the and she broke  a bit

-You make a mistake although I seat me grateful, like me want to follow to your side- Dark said embarrassed
This pester a bit to Ju but remembered that it was exaggerating his jealousies. The did not have these feelings or doubted that it felt really, confused  due to the fact that it knew that it approached to her by interest and his sample of weakness broke it doing him reflexionar on if same.

When saying him this to the his agreement did not break  of the all, due to the fact that in his corazon he still owed him the life. The agreement only would break  if the two agreed but the was not it, the wanted to follow to his side without mattering that.

His agreement reformed  now the was not a slave, was a siervo loyal.

And Ju and Dark  true brothers moved by the feeling to want to take care to a small sister?, this last was not clear.

-And now that go to do- said Lia thinking in his situation.

-We will review the corpses in search of things that can would be useful to survive, and will follow on foot can not risk us to go to the take care- said Ju

-I'm sorry, that you wanted a promotion and go back to your clan to show them that so powerful had gone back you- said Lia

You do not concern you it is better so, if we will explain the situation levantariamos a lot of attention to us and atraeriamos more than only bandits to look for you-answered him Ju with serious tone- separate to my me there weren thrown to start with, wanted to go back to recover the glory of my dead parents but nose if it is worthwhile, more advance when it was stronger the hare-said remembering the líos that suffered by internal fights of Power in his house. In this world could kill you your own family in the research of a better social position, aveces did not matter your crop socially podrias be pushed if the another part had the necessary resources. It did not know if it was more dangerous a cultivadora or somebody rich, for satisfy podrias be incriminated or if jealousies or something. And reflexionando although they did not attack against her directly sure irian by her d subtracts form and the one who knew that him depararia.

The wanted to venganza but knew that it could not forces it and the support to attain it, and did not know if it could take care of her and this was what concern him more.

Ella and the to almost a year that were together since it arrived to the village and did this trip were really near in spite of having happened little time, partly due to the fact that  there were approached by need and greed, one to survive the another by resources for his see.

This both no it sabian, but now she supposed that if some time had any on intention was by this, and did not see it so bad was normal to want to something as this. I do not blame it by his greed.

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