Chapter 1: The Sweetest Sin

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"Lilith was believed by many to be a succubus. A succubus is a female demon who preys on weak humans, most commonly men. They appear in dreams to seduce them, most often through sexual activity. A visit from a succubus was believed to cause physical harm or even death. Their depictions vary from demonic creatures to beautiful seductresses. The male counterpart is the incubus, and both the succubus and incubus have been depicted as powerful beings, sometimes even rulers of the underworld." The guide said as they viewed the painting of Lilith and Eve.

Trixie thought it was a far more interesting painting then the others she had seen that day, and she found herself falling behind as her eyes traveled across the canvas, admiring the snake-tailed seductress with large wings who held out an apple for Eve to eat. The brown eyed girl didn't know why the painting spoke to her, after all, she held no religious belief, and yet she couldn't held but feel some odd connection to the image.

She walked on, following the group out to a new room in the museum. They saw hundreds of other paintings, but Trixie's mind was stuck on the one of Lilith. Something in her soul seemed to yearn for something that was somehow connected to that work of art, and yet Trixie had no idea what it was. She tried to free her mind of it and enjoy the rest of her day off from work, but the colors and delicate strokes were etched into her skull. 

As she was making her way home, she noticed a small shop that she had never seen before. It looked like a teashop, but there was something off about it. It gave off an odd sort of vibe, as if it was hiding something. Right next to it was a tattoo parlour which Trixie also couldn't remember every seeing there.
Maybe she just hadn't been paying enough attention to the world around her? 

"Do you want to come in for a cup of tea, darling?" An old woman said. This woman too seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, but she looked nice and Trixie didn't feel like it would be kind to refuse the offer.

"Yes, thank you." She replied and followed the woman inside. 

"Now, I believe that everyone can find the tea that's just right for them by smell, so close your eyes and let your nose guide you." The woman said. 

Trixie found it wierd, but she decided to go along with it to entertain the old woman. Soon a smell caught her attention, it was dark, rich, strong, but somehow floral. Were those roses?
Why did the color red come to mind?

She reached her hand out and pointed in the direction.

"Ah, and interesting choice. I've only met one other who has picked the same, and you two are as different as can be." The woman said as she grabbed the tea. "Just sit down dear, it will be done in a second." She said. 

"Have you had this shop for a long time?" Trixie asked.

"Ah yes, it's been here for centuries." She responded, making Trixie even more certain that the gray haired woman was going mad. 

"Really? I've never noticed it before." The young girl said. 

"Well, it's not always visible to everyone." The old woman simply said as she placed a pot of freshly brewed tea on the table. "Now, you just need the perfect cup, and if I'm not wrong, this should be it." She added as she placed bright red cup with a gold handle and artistic writing on the table. 

"What does it say?" Trixie asked.

"Обещённая жена тьмы, it's russian for The promised wife of darkness. But don't worry about that, it's just an old cup, dear. I only chose it because it fits the tea well." The woman explains, and yet Trixie couldn't find herself to fully believe it. However, she also had no idea what "The promised wife of darkness" meant, so she chose to put her worries aside and drink the tea nevertheless.

The taste was divine. It was like tasting desire and lust. As she drank, a sense of warmth filled her, and not just the usual one that comes from drinking a hot beverage. This was something else, something stronger.

"Did you finish it all?" The woman asked as Trixie put the cup down.

"Yes." The young girl replied in a confused tone.

"Ah, then it seems I was right. Destiny has spoken. She'll come to you soon." The old woman said.

"Who?" Trixie asked.

"You'll see. Now hurry home, the shadows will be watching you." 

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