Chapter 48: Under Your Protection

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Katya looked at her tired angel as she slept. Even in her current worn out state Trixie remained as beautiful as ever in the demon's eyes.
She had slept for almost twelve hours now, but Katya found it unsurprising considering she could not have gotten much rest whilst locked in the cell. Trixie may no longer be human, but she still needed time to recover after being drained so heavily of energy. That was the worst part of the cells in Jeboulin, Katya thought, the fact that the chains drew the life-force out of you while you were held captive. For a demon the aftereffectswould not be much, they would most commonly use their abilities to heal up quite quickly, but Trixie was neither human nor demon, she was simply an eternal being, and so the chains affected her greatly.

"W-where am I?" Trixie asked as her eyes fluttered open. "Katya.. you're here." She sighed happily as she saw the other blonde, her voice weak but content. Trixie then remembered Aurelia and Katya freeing her, and she squeezed Katya's hand with a smile once she realized she was safe.

"Hi кукла, how are you feeling?"

"Tired, but better, stronger than I did when you found me." She said, her voice coming out more normal.

"That's good, I was so worried." Katya said honestly as she pushed away some strands of hair from the young girl's face.

"How bad was it?" Trixie asked.

"What do you mean?" The demon said, but she knew what Trixie was referring to. She also knew that even tho the girl was just as angry at the Gods as her, she would not have been even half as brutal as Katya had if she was the one to punish them.

"You know what I mean. I heard you and Aurelia talking, I know you attacked the Realm of Light."

"It wasn't pretty... It was actually quite gruesome." Katya admitted, her mind going to Aurelia who would have to see her council members and her sister in a bloodbath. "I was just so angry.. and scared.. I wanted them to suffer for everything they've done to harm you. I couldn't show mercy. The prophecy was right about me, about us, I attacked them." Katya said.

"Well, I can't really blame you, or pretend like I'm not happy that they're gone. I feel bad for Aurelia tho, she's a Goddess right?"

"Yeah, she is. She was a part of the council, her sister was too. She's the reason I could free you so quickly, she told us who took you. I also wouldn't have been able to get you out of that cell without her help. So I feel bad too, it would have been nice to not have to send her back to her sister's corpse. But I couldn't risk them going after you again. You are my world, I need you safe." Katya said before kissing Trixie's wrist lovingly.

"You're my world too." Trixie replied as she sat up, having regained some strength. "Everything's gonna be okay now, right?"

"Yeah Trixie, everything's going to be okay. It will be you and me, forever. As soon as your health is back we're going to fill that hall with people again, and you'll walk down the aisle and become my wife. And I'm gonna swear to love you eternally before everyone, and you'll spend the rest of your days on that throne beside me as Обещённая жена тьмы." Katya promised.

Trixie remembered that title vaguely. It was so long ago now, but she remembered the teacup having the same words written in artistic writing and the owner translating them.

"The promised wife of darkness." Trixie said with a smile as she thought about how far they'd come.

"How did you know?" Katya said surprised.

"Jinkx translated it when she gave me the teacup in her shop. Don't really know how I remembered it..."

"My clever little librarian." Katya said as she placed an arm around the girl and kissed the top of her head.

"Ah, I miss books." Trixie sighed as she leaned into Katya.

"I actually have a surprise for you in regards to that, but you're going to have to wait until you're all healed up."

"Nooo, show me now." Trixie whined cutely. Katya laughed warmly at her and booped her nose.

"Nope, not until you're well. You're going to have to be patient, кукла." Katya told the pouting girl.


"Trixie, you'll be healed soon enough, but you have to stay in bed until then." The demon insisted.

"Okay..." Trixie said, her pout remaining.

"Okay, Miss Pouty. How about this? I'll read you any book you want until you're well." Katya suggested, which caused the girl to immediately perk up.

"Really?" Trixie asked like an excited child, gaining a nod in response. The young girl leaned forward and captured the demon's lips in hers, loving how they fit together perfectly.

"I love you so much." Trixie said.

"I love you too, милая."

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