Chapter 16: Deal With The Devil

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"Katya, what's this?" Trixie asked.

What could Katya say?
How could she make the curious girl put the pendant down?

"Just something a friend gave to me, it lights up and sometimes changes color." Katya said, hoping it would be enough. 

It wasn't even technically a lie.
She, as well as every ruler before her, had received it from an older demon called Madam Galina. Galina had the gift of foresight and she had been the one to speak the prophecy.

The pendant almost functioned like a clock. It turned glowing red when the red tide arrived, and it darkened as time passed. Once it turned completely black, her time would be up.
But the pendant also had another ability. If worn by a human who was destined to be with a demon ruler it would reveal the prophecy to them. 

"It's pretty..." Trixie said, almost seeming transfixed by the necklace.

Trixie had never seen anything like it before. The necklace itself was simple enough, nothing but a long thin gold chain. But the pendant, the pendant was special. In the middle sat the large, round glowing stone, which almost looked like a ruby. It was surrounded by golden roses and the golden edge of it was engraved with the words; Lignum Scientiae Boni et Mali, which Trixie guessed was latin for something.

The most intriguing part however was the fact that it glowed slightly brighter in an even rhythm, almost as if it was a beating heart. Trixie found herself drawn to it and suddenly felt an urge to put it on. She quickly lifted the chain above her head, the necklace completely on her as she heard Katya yell;

"Trixie, no!"

And then for a moment everything went black.

When Trixie's eyes opened she found herself in a large hall, dressed in completely different clothes. For some reason she was now wearing a long black gown, a color she never wore.

The room almost looked like an old church with gothic archways, dark stone walls covered with long red curtains, and the highest ceiling Trixie had ever seen. At the front of the room was a large podium with what looked to be two thrones. One was smaller and seemed to be made of white gold. It had a black velvet cushion on the chair, and the back of it was engraved with roses. The other throne was huge and made of black gold. On the front of the armrests were skulls, on the seat laid a red velvet cushion, and from the back of it large metal wings were reaching out to each side.

In the middle of the hall ran a river, only the water was completely black. Trixie walked closer to the river but as she stepped in front of it the water became as red as blood and the pendant around her neck glowed brighter. Suddenly a haunting voice rang out from the glowing jewel, the large hall echoing it's words. 

"The Prince of Darkness has given his blood to the chosen ones. His children will rule after his passing until the Eternal Ruler is found. Until then they will live and die, live until they ascend the throne, die once the red tide passes.
All except She who will rule eternally.
For when the High Priestess sits on the throne and the blood of Our Dark Creator runs thickly through her veins, a Woman shall sit on the throne beside her and they shall rule The Realm of Darkness eternally.
This gift of eternal life shall be gifted to one and only one, but the love of each ruler will be chained by destiny to live a cursed life. Until the red tide arrives, their lives will be filled with tragedy and loneliness. This is the price they pay for the crimes of their ancestors."

Trixie didn't understand what was happening, nor what the hell the pendant was saying, but she still felt drawn to touch the water in the river. She reached down, realizing as she got closer that it smelled exactly like the tea she had gotten from the tea shop weeks before, and touched it.

Suddenly flashes of images flew through her mind. Some of them memories of her own life, some of them what seemed to be flashes from Katya's life, and finally the two of them sitting next to each other on the two thrones.

And then the room vanished.
The pendant around her neck was no longer there and she was back in Katya's living room. 

"What the fuck just happened?" She mumbled as she looked up to see a terrified Katya.

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