Chapter 3: A Mysterious Visitor

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Sleep had already come to Trixie as the dark night's blanket covered the town. Her dreams were sweet at first, filled by flowery multi-colored fields and a protective hand leading her through a beautiful forest, but soon the images changed. Suddenly all she saw was a sea of red roses and a figure in the distance. 

She walked closer and closer as the sea of roses turned into a bright red bedroom. The room was unfamiliar to her and yet she somehow felt as if she belonged there. The figure had disappeared from sight, but still Trixie didn't think she was alone.

"Trixie Mattel, what a pleasure it is to meet you." A seductive voice spoke from behind her. 

She turned and was met with the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. The girl had long just slightly curled blonde hair, the brightest blue eyes Trixie had ever seen, high and defined cheekbones, pale porcelain skin, and blood-red lips. Her body looked toned and slim and she was dressed in a long formfitting red velvet dress with a split that reached high up on her thigh.
She seemed otherworldly somehow.

"Who? Who are you?" Trixie asked.

"That doesn't matter right now, you'll know soon enough." The woman said with a smirk and a second later she was standing right behind Trixie, an arm wrapped tightly around the brown eyed girl's slim waist. "Tonight, let me just take care of you. You're wound up so tight, I'll bet it's been so long since you've been with anyone." The blue eyed woman whispered as she kissed Trixie's neck, and Trixie couldn't help but lean her head back to grant the woman more access.

Under normal circumstances Trixie would have pushed the woman away, but this was only a dream afterall. In her dreams she could let loose and let herself give in to pleasure.

 "Please.." She whispered. 

In less then a second her clothes had disappeared from her body, only white lingerie left on her curvy form as she found herself laying on the king-sized bed. The other woman was hovering above her.

"Gorgeous... so beautiful... Tell me you want this. Tell me you want me to touch you." The woman spoke looking deeply into Trixie's eyes, almost as if she was trying to hypnotize her, but it still seemed like she somehow needed the words of permission.

"Please... Please touch me." Trixie spoke.

"Good girl." The blue eyed girl responded before her hands touched Trixie's breasts that were now somehow completely bare along with the rest of her body. 

Trixie moaned loudly as the woman massaged her boobs, squeezing them tightly and pinching her nipples at the perfect time before leaning down to suck and nip at the swollen nub. The brown eyed girl then felt a hand between her legs, and moments later two fingers entered her dripping core.

"Ah fuck!" She yelled out as she felt herself clench tightly around the two digits that were moving skillfully inside her. 

She felt surrounded by a strong aura, almost as if the very air she breathed was pushing her further towards the edge. Every movement the woman above her made felt fifty times more effective then anything done by anyone else. Every thrust felt deeper, even tho the woman's fingers didn't seem very long. The stretch felt wide, even tho only two digits were inside her. The pleasure felt overpowering, even tho the woman hadn't touched her for long.

"More, please more." Trixie begged as she felt herself be driven mad by lust, she was so close and yet she could only beg for more of the delicious pleasure she was experiencing.

The blue eyed woman added two more fingers and Trixie felt as if she was being ripped apart but also as if she was touching the stars in the sky. The woman's movements were punishingly fast and deep, completely relentless as she fucked the brown eyed girl like she had never been fucked before. And yet, this was nothing compared to what the blue eyed woman could do if they were actually in the same room. 

"O-oh-ah, fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Trixie screamed as she reached her high, her body seeming as if it was floating between heaven and earth before she returned to reality, feeling herself fall limp from exhaustion.

"I'll see you soon, Trixie." The mysterious woman said with a kiss to Trixie's wrist, and suddenly Trixie found herself back in her original dream. Once again surrounded by flowery multi-colored fields.

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