Chapter 28: Forever Etched In Me

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"Who did this, Trixie?" Katya asked, her tone soft but her eyes demanding an answer.

"A man, or no, ehm a demon... He said his name was something like Byrimyon or something.." The still shaken girl replied.

"Byremeon?" Katya asked, the girl nodding in response. "I'll kill him, I'll fucking kill him. That fucking lowlife asshole. He's done stupid shit, but this? This is next level pathetic." The High Priestess spoke angrily, her fingernails growing into claws, piercing through the fabric of the couch as she grabbed it.

Trixie had never seen Katya like that. She'd seen the demon worried, but never truly angry. The blue eyed woman looked like she was preparing herself for a massacre, bloodlust glowing like embers in her eyes.

Katya's mind was ripping the male demon to shreds. She wanted his ruby red blood on the floor, wanted to see him shaking in fear as he realized he couldn't hide from her, and have him screaming for salvation. She wanted to show him who the rightful Queen of the Damned was. That throne was hers, and there was no chance in hell that she'd let him steal it away.

"Katya?" Trixie asked concerned, placing a soft hand on the woman's upper arm.

The demon calmed instantly at that, her claws retracting at Trixie's soft voice, the sound as smooth as honey.

"Sorry... I'm just... sorry." Katya replied, unable to express what she was feeling. Her protective instinct towards the young girl compeltely overpowering.

"It's okay, I understand that you're mad, I am too. Mostly frightened, but there's definitely a fair bit of anger too." The girl replied, sounding surprisingly calm.

"I mean I knew that some of them would try to hurt me or you, but I didn't expect anyone to be this bold. He even gave you his name, which is just so insane. How could he have been so confident that his plan wouldn't fail?" Katya said.

She truly didn't understand how he could be that bold. She knew that he wasn't loyal in any sense, but this was so beyond crossing the line. This was a blatant attack on a human, done without reason. Shouldn't the gods have attempted to stop it?

The gods would usually start meddling right away whenever a demon did something like that. They'd save the day, and then imprison the demon responsible. So why weren't they doing anything?

There was no logical explanation, unless... unless they were on Byremeon's side. If that was the case then Trixie needed to be protected by any means possible.

"Кукла, would you let me tattoo you?" Katya asked suddenly, smiling a little as a cute look of confusion spread across Trixie's face. "There's a tattoo that would make sure that no demon could physically harm you. It would make sure that the only demon that could even touch your skin would be me." She added to explain the sudden question.

Trixie thought about it for a moment. She had never seen herself as the tattoo type, but then again, she had never expected to have to protect herself against demons either, and frankly she'd do anything to avoid a similar situation to what she had just gone through.

"Okay." The young girl said softly.


"Yeah, I'll do it." Trixie confirmed.

"Good, that's really good." Katya said with tears threatening to spill, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She hugged Trixie to her tightly, wishing that the brown eyed angel could always be wrapped up safely in her arms. 

An hour later, Trixie was laying on a chair in Katya's tattoo studio as the demon worked the needle skillfully across the girl's hip. It was a long process, especially as it needed to be done completely right in order for it to work. Trixie yelped in pain multiple times and they had to take breaks, but eventually the young girl's unmarked skin got decorated by a detailed artwork in ink. 

"What do think?" Katya asked as the girl saw the tattoo in the mirror for the first time.

"I like it, especially the roses. What is the sign tho?" The girl asked as she admired the delicate lines that the demon had drawn on her skin. Beautiful rose vines in black and white surrounded a large symbol that seemed like the main point of the tattoo.

"It's the sigil of Lilith. You know, I'm a succubus like she was and so her sign is used by demons like us to protect humans that we feel need our protection. Well, female humans that we feel need our protection, it doesn't really work on men. It's a symbol of femininity, beauty, freedom, rebellion, strength and courage. The rose vines are there because of me, a symbol of my heritage. They, in combination with the fact that I gave you the tattoo, are what makes sure that I can still touch you." Katya explained. 

"It's beautiful." Trixie decided after admiring it some more. Katya wrapped her arms around the young girl from behind and kissed her shoulder sweetly.

"I'm glad you like it. You'll be a lot safer now." Katya promised, whilst swearing to herself that she'd do anything to protect the human angel.

" Katya promised, whilst swearing to herself that she'd do anything to protect the human angel

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(A/N: this is sort of what I imagine the tattoo to look like)

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