Chapter 27: A Precious Time

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Trixie was floating.
She could feel arms lifting her, and yet she couldn't wake up. Her mind was travelling across dust-covered memories, until she was transported into one particular day from her early childhood years.

One particular day, 18 years ago...

The small blonde girl ran around the playground as her mother watched her fondly. She was a happy child, a little ray of sunshine on earth there she ran around in her cute pink dress. The child looked like a little doll, and her mother found herself wondering if the girl would keep her doll-like visual when she grew older. 

The mother had raised the child alone, despite all hardships of the cold and harsh world. The woman had faced many years of pouring rain. She had given up her own youthful season to have the child, but it was worth it when she got to see her little flower grow so beautifully.

"Mommy, look!" The girl said proudly as she swung herself high on the swing set. She was only six years old, but she was braver than most in her mother's opinion.

"Good job, Trixie! But be careful not to hurt yourself, darling." Her mother called back, smiling warmly at her little angel.

"I will, mommy!" The child yelled back. Completely fearless as she swung herself even higher, innocent curiosity leading her to test the limits as she reached up with one hand in hopes of being able to touch the clear blue sky.

Suddenly the child felt the swing go too high, the ropes becoming unsteady in their movement and the seat beginning to shake. Trixie grabbed on to the swing with two hands again, but still felt as if she would be thrown off. She felt tears threatening to spill as she grew scared, unable to call out for the help of her mom. 

Just as she thought she'd fall off, a gust of wind made her return to her seat safely and the swing became stable again. Suddenly it felt as if strong arms were pushing the swing in a controlled manner, stopping it from going rogue. Trixie looked behind her and for a moment she could have sworn that she saw a pearly white smile, red lips, and bright blue eyes, but a second later all sign of it was gone.

"Mommy, did you see that?" Trixie asked as she jumped off the swing.

"See what, honey?"

"The swing was going all crazy, and after that, after that it wasn't anymore."  The child tried to explain.

"Yes, you did a good job with getting it under control again, Trixie." Her mom said fondly.

The child didn't try to argue with her mother, nor explain further, instead she simply locked the memory away in a box for safe keeping in her mind. Still, she was certain that something had been there.

Trixie didn't know why the memory had filled her mind, but she smiled at the image of her late mother.
How she wished she could have had more time with her mom. So many lonely nights had been spent wishing that she could go back to a time when she could rest her head in her mother's lap and feel a warm hand comb through her long hair. Trixie hoped her mom could see how prettily her little flower had bloomed, and hoped that she would have been proud of who her daughter had become.

Moments later the brown eyed girl felt herself being pulled back to reality. She heard a voice calling her name as she tried to open her eyes.

"K-Ka.. Katya?" She asked, barely recognizing her own voice as she finally managed to open her eyes fully.

"Oh thank god, you're okay." Katya breathed out in relief as she hugged Trixie to her more tightly. Trixie relaxed into the warm embrace, releasing a deep breath herself once she remembered what had happened, but realized that she was safe thanks to the older woman. 

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