Chapter 38: I Believe You

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Katya didn't say anything for a while, instead she just watched the little girl play contently. Her imaginary mother was nowhere to be seen and yet the child seemed so happy. It was almost heartbreaking to think about taking her away from her little paradise, and yet Katya knew what would happen if she didn't. 

"One day, the princess met another princess. She was so cool, and she liked red the bestest. So they didn't fight over what color dress to wear." The little girl said as she moved the Barbies around on the floor. Katya smiled warmly at that, feeling as if a part of the girl's soul still remembered her. 

Trixie suddenly turned around and noticed the mysterious figure, and when she did Katya's eyes widened in realization.

She had met that little girl before.
She had met her by mere chance, 18 years ago...

The small blonde girl ran around the playground as her mother watched her fondly. Katya looked at them, wondering for a moment what it was like to have a family, and what it was like to care for someone like a mother would care for their child. 

Katya didn't know why she had felt such an urge to come to the human realm that day, but for some reason she felt as if she needed to be there. She'd considered playing with some humans but instead she had ended up at a park, completely fascinated by a doll-like child and her mother. 

The child ran over to the swings, swinging herself high on the swing set. Just then an Angel of Death appeared next to Katya, and the demon suddenly understood what was about to happen. Jinkx walked closer to the child as the young girl swung higher. 

"Mommy, look!" The girl called out innocently. 

"Good job, Trixie! But be careful not to hurt yourself, darling." Her mother called back.

"I will, mommy!" The child yelled, but she still swung higher. Completely fearless and completely unaware of the fate she would face soon as she reached up with one hand to touch the sky.

The ropes of the swing became unsteady and the swing's seat started to shake. The girl grabbed onto the swing with two hands again, but it was clear she was seconds away from being thrown off. Katya could see Jinkx moving even closer, ready to collect the child's soul once the girl flew off and hit her head on a large rock that was nearby. It was clearly an old swing set, and the distance that a child could fall was severely underestimated. Katya figured that the girl's mother thought the sandbox surrounding the swings was large enough, but the demon could see how it would go and the tragedy that was sure to come. 

Before Katya knew what she was doing she took hold of the seat and pushed it back and forth in a controlled way to not make it too obvious that she was stopping it but also to ensure that the swing would become stable. She didn't know why she did it, having never stepped in to do something similar in all the years she had lived, but for some reason she felt as if she was meant to stop the girl's grim fate from happening. 

The young girl looked behind her and Katya smiled warmly at her before transporting herself away, not wanting to shock the girl too much. Katya breathed out in relief when the child safely jumped off the swing and ran over to her mother.

"Why did you save her?" Jinkx asked. 

"I.. I don't know." Katya replied.

"You're going soft, Yekaterina." Jinkx joked and the demon simply laughed along, but inside the very same question was repeating itself in her mind over and over.

Why had she done it?

And now 18 years later she had her answer.

Destiny had brought her to that park on that day so that Trixie would know her now. That had to be the reason. This was how they would beat the council's cruel trick.

"Trixie?" Katya said softly. The young girl looked up at her with a confused expression.

"Who are you?" She asked, and Katya felt her heart sink for a moment.

Had she been wrong?

Would it all be for nothing after all?

"Oh wait, you're the woman from the park! You made the swings stop!" The girl suddenly said in excitement as she dropped her Barbies and ran over.

"Yes, I am! It's nice to see you again, Trixie." Katya said as she sat down to match the girl's height. 

"It's nice to see you too, miss. What's your name?" The girl asked.

"It's Katya." 

"Katya? That's pretty. Why are you here?" The child asked. The doll-like girl truly was as cute as a button.

"I'm here to take you on an adventure. See that glowing door over there? We need to go out there so you can go and meet your princess. Will you go with me?" Katya said, not sure how to best convince the girl.

"Will it be scary?" The little girl asked.

"Maybe a little, but I'll keep you safe. You trust me, don't you?" 

"Yeah, I trust you, miss Katya." The child said as Katya stood up. 

The demon reached out a hand for the little girl to take, which the child did seconds later. And then, with careful steps Katya lead the girl to the glowing door that would set her free.

"Goodbye, mommy." The little girl said before they passed through the portal.

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