Chapter 13: A Dream-Like Fate

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Katya looked out at the dark street, noticing a familiar blonde girl dressed in pink in the distance. She was just about to run up to the girl when she noticed a shadow behind her.
Katya stood very still, hoping the shadowy figure would continue to follow the young woman so that the High Priestess could find out who the figure was. However she had no such luck, the figure must have noticed her for it disappeared moments later.

"Katya!" Trixie said excitedly as she noticed her friend. They'd become quite close over the past week and the young girl now felt far more comfortable around the blue eyed woman.

"Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." The brown eyed girl said, noticing the pale expression on the other woman's face. 

"Not a ghost... a demon." The older woman thought.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry. Wanna come in for a bit?" Katya asked, forcing a calm smile.

"Uhm, yeah, I'd love to." Trixie said with a bright smile that warmed Katya's heart. 

Katya lead the girl inside, looking around the street once more before closing the door. She'd have to figure out why someone was following Trixie, but at least they were both safe in Katya's tattoo parlour.
The studio was protected in every way possible. Humans could enter easily, which allowed Katya to have customers, but demons, deities and angels needed permission from the owner to enter. It was a safety measure that Katya felt especially thankful for in that moment. 

"Don't you ever go home at night?" Trixie asked. It was very late, the brown eyed girl had stayed behind at the library to label and place new books, so she was surprised to find that Katya was still at the studio.

"I actually live above the studio, so yes and no. Do you wanna come upstairs? I've got pizza." Katya suggested.

"Oh, cool.. and yeah, that sounds good.." The younger girl replied, feeling her shyness return as she thought above being alone in Katya's apartment. They'd been alone at her studio before, but somehow going upstairs to where she lived felt a lot more intimate. 

Katya took the girl's hand, guiding her upstairs. Trixie felt her cheeks burn and butterflies erupt at the electrifying touch. It was so gentle and yet so protective. Trixie didn't know why but she felt a sense of safety wash over her when Katya held her hand. They fit together as if it was where they belonged, as if they'd always searched for each other and were only complete in that moment.

Trixie cursed herself, trying to remember that they were just friends. She couldn't get ideas, shouldn't be hopeful. And yet, despite all efforts to not fall, every moment with Katya made her heart skip a beat. 

The brown eyed girl gazed around Katya's place, smiling at how eclectic her choice of furniture and decor was. Somehow it looked like everything in the apartment belonged to different time periods. There were tons drawings on the walls, mostly what looked to be sketches of tattoo designs, and what looked to be a collection of old knives, which was frankly a little scary.

"Are you training to be a serial killer?" Trixie joked.

"Maybe I already am." Katya replied jokingly, even tho she had in fact killed in the past. However, it was always under very particular circumstances, so she figured she was still allowed to joke about her knife collection. At least it had made the young girl laugh, a noise that was both terrifying and heartwarming in Katya's opinion. Katya would never admit it, but she loved that odd laugh more than words could say. 

Trixie's eyes continued to wander until they landed on a very familiar painting, although it appeared to have some slight differences from the one she had seen previously.

"Is that Lilith and Eve?" She asked, walking up to the painting.

"Yeah, a friend of mine knew the painter. He painted a few versions so I bought one of them. How do you know it?" Katya asked. 

It wasn't the most well-known painting, and the Ukrainian painter wasn't particularly well-known either. However, he had run into Katya many years before, had learned her secret, and decided to honor her with a painting of Lilith and Eve. It was a gift she treasured greatly as it was a sign of acceptance from a human. A sign that had given her hope for her future.

"Uhm yeah, there was a special exhibition a couple weeks ago... I went on a guided tour, and for some reason I felt very drawn to it. I had never heard the story of Lilith before or the belief that she was a succubus. But I found it very fascinating." Trixie said honestly.

"I love that painting. I've always felt drawn to it too." Katya said, walking closer to Trixie and feeling as if the girl was drawing her in like a magnet.

Katya knew destiny was a powerful force, but she also knew that not everything was decided by fate. She found herself wondering for a moment if fate had brought Trixie to that exhibition, or if it had been a mere coincidence. 

Trixie turned towards Katya to say something, only to freeze once she realized that the woman was right next to her. The young girl blushed deeply and looked down at the ground, but soon felt her chin be tilted upwards by a soft hand. Katya's eyes met hers, and in them Trixie could see an emotion she'd never found in them before. No one had ever looked at her like Katya did in that moment, and she felt herself get lost in those blue eyes that seemed to glow with the warmth of a fireplace on a cold night. 

And then Katya spoke the words that Trixie had never thought would leave the woman's lips;

"Trixie, can I kiss you?"  

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