Chapter 9: Under The Dark Sky

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"Trixie. Look at me, baby." A voice called out to Trixie. She gazed around her dreamland until her eyes met familiar blue orbs. 

"Katya?" She asked. The woman from last time had looked similar to Katya, but this time she looked completely like her. The woman's strong arms were covered in the same intricate artwork as Katya's were. Her outfit the same as the one Katya had worn earlier that day.

"Hello кукла." Katya replied as she stepped nearer to Trixie before pulling the brown eyed girl in close, her hands gripping Trixie's hips tightly.
"Mmhmm, I missed you." The blue eyed girl whispered as she breathed in the sweet scent of the human girl, her lips finding the girl's neck making Trixie moan in pleasure. 

Their bodies were flush together, the two fitting together perfectly like puzzle pieces. Katya's hand went down to the round cheeks of Trixie's ass, grabbing handfuls of the soft flesh making the young girl gasp in surprise before mewling and leaning her head down on the blue eyed woman's shoulder.

"Do you want this?" Katya asked, feeling the familiar shield that prevented her from devouring the girl without consent.

"I.. I.." The girl mumbled. Trixie's mind felt like mush as she tried to state a coherent answer. Her body was on fire, despite barely being touched. Her skin aching to feel the other woman's hands on her.

"Answer me, Trixie." Katya said in a deeper tone. It sounded darker, more demanding, and it made Trixie grow wetter and made her pulse speed up.

"Yes." She breathed out. "Yes, I want this." 

In less then a second she was pushed backwards, landing on her own bed this time, the pink walls and white curtains of her room surrounding them as Katya appeared on top of her. Katya's lust was burning in every bone of her body, she breathed heavily as she let her hand travel down Trixie's front. Her fingers dragging down from the girl's neck, across the swell of her breasts, stopping at the girl's lower stomach. As her hand moved down, Trixie's clothes vanished, falling off her body like flower pedals. 

The brown eyed girl's needy hands went to pull at Katya's clothes and the demon just smirked before she made them vanish aswell, only letting a pair of black lace panties remain on her own form. 

"Holy..." Trixie whimpered as she viewed the woman in front of her. Katya was toned from head to toe, slim but very muscular. The dreaming girl's hands went to the perky breasts of the blue eyed girl, massaging them gently, making Katya growl and push the girl's hands on her more firmly, desperate for more of Trixie's electrifying touch.  

"Kiss me." Katya demanded. 

The young girl leaned up a little before connecting her lips with Katya's. The succubus felt as if she could taste the sweetest sin from those soft pink lips. It fueled her desire further, made her even more desperate to be with the girl properly. 

How ever would she survive being around Trixie without touching those perfect curves freely?

Katya pushed the young girl down on the bed before she trailed a hand in between her thighs. Trixie gasped as the blue eyed girl's long fingers brushed against her swollen clit and her dripping core. They slid across her opening slowly, barely giving her any stimulation, yet it still made her release high pitched moans that were muffled by the kiss.

Trixie gripped onto Katya's back, digging her nails into the skin as the girl entered two fingers and curled them up into that bundle of nerves that made Trixie see stars. Suddenly Katya broke the kiss, instead kissing her way down the brown eyed girl's body until her mouth hovered above the girl's clit. Her tounge reached out, only barely licking the small nub, but the action still made Trixie's back arch up off the bed and her thighs shake. Katya grinned at the sight, enjoying how much the human body responded to even the slightest touch of a succubus. She couldn't wait until she'd be able to give Trixie the full extent of her power. Then she'd be able to make the girl cum uncontrollably again and again. What a sight it would be.

"Please..." Trixie whined out in the most beautifully needy tone Katya had ever heard.

"Please what, детка?" Katya teased, thriving off of the power she held over the girl's body. Even without her ability to control the girl's mind, she could corrupt it through her actions.

"I don't know... just don't.. don't stop..." the girl mumbled incoherently, completely lost to the world of pleasure.
A smell of roses had taken over the room, and even tho Trixie was dreaming, it felt to her as if the scent really was there.

"Don't worry, darling, I won't." Katya said with a smirk before she leaned down again and licked a thick stripe up the lenght of Trixie's core.

"Aah-ah Katya!" Trixie screamed out as the demon added another finger and ruthlessly pounded into her.

Katya felt her own wetness grow as she listened to the sinful noises the young girl was making. Never before had she been particularly affected noise, but Trixie's moans and whines were the most attractive thing she'd ever heard.

As she felt the girl start to clench around her fingers, she shoved a hand down her own panties, chasing completion as she brought Trixie closer and closer to hers.

"Fuck Trixie... you're so fucking sexy." She groaned as she kept up her punishing pace. And with a few more thrusts, the young girl screamed out Katya's name as she reached her high, this brought the succubus to reach her own not longer after.

Katya sat back in shock as Trixie slowly came down. She never came that fast, especially not in the dream realm, and yet Trixie had made her get there.

"Katya.." Trixie said sleepily as she made cute grabby hands towards the other woman, still completely oblivious to the fact that this wasn't just a dream.

"I wish I could stay, кукла. But I have to go." Katya told the girl, pushing a loose strand of hair behind Trixie's ear. The brown eyed girl pouted cutely, but soon fell into a dream within her dream with a wave of Katya's hand.

"Sleep tight, my darling. I'll see you soon." The demon whispered, kissing the young girl's forehead before leaving her dream completely.

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