Chapter 30: Hurts So Good

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Katya's fingers danced across the skin of Trixie's hip as she slept, gently following the lines of the ink she'd decorated the girl's skin with. Even if it was mainly for protection, Katya couldn't help but focus on how sexy Trixie looked with it. The demon also loved the fact that her artwork was forever etched into the girl's skin.

"Mhmmm, that feels nice." Trixie said as she woke up, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"Oh it does, does it? How about this?" Katya said as she leaned down to kiss around the tattoo. "Does that feel good?" She asked again in between kisses.


"What about this then?" The demon asked, lust sparkling in her eyes before she started sucking and biting the sensitive skin near the girl's hipbone.

"Uhh, y-yeah that feels really good. Please, more.." Trixie moaned out, leaning her head back into the soft pillows.

"Would you let me use my powers, Trixie? You want this, don't you?"

"Yeah, please.. I want this.. please touch me.." The young girl said as the demon's mouth worked wonders on her skin.

"Oh, is someone turned on? Huh?" Katya teased. She ran a finger over the girl's thong, finding a growing wet patch. "So wet already..." The demon whispered, almost in admiration.

"Please..." The brown eyed girl said in a breathy tone.

"Please what, babygirl?"

"You know..just please.." Trixie whined, feeling shy and embarrassed about having to say what she wanted out loud.

"I don't know that I do, Trixie. I do know however, that you know that I hate whenever you don't use your words." Katya said darkly, flipping the girl over in a second and slapping her ass, a dark red handprint remaining on the smooth skin.

"Ahhh! Please, Katya.." The girl moaned out. Katya shook her head in disappointment and gave the girl's ass another slap.

"Babygirl, that's not following the rules, you know that. Maybe you need a little reminder of who's in control here. You said I could use my powers, remember?" The demon said darkly.

Suddenly Trixie's clit started to feel as if it was vibrating despite nothing being there. It felt like getting no friction and yet all the friction in the world at the very same time. She moaned out loudly, desperate to cum already but unable to let go, her own body restricting her from doing so. She felt like her entire body was buzzing with electricity, her core dripping as she twisted and turned her body in pleasure despite Katya not touching her in the slightest.

"Look at you... so desperate." Katya said as she sat up and put her hand into her own panties, slipping two fingers inside herself. At the very same moment, Trixie felt as if two fingers were entering her, but again there was nothing there.

"Do you feel that, baby? Do you like feeling fucked from me fucking myself?" The demon asked as she slipped in a third finger.

"Shit, KATYA!" Trixie screamed out, the pain of the stretch mixed with the constant vibrations becoming overwhelming.

"What have I said about good girls swearing, кукла?" Katya said, leaning over to slap the girl's ass once more with her free hand.

"UHh! Sorry, I'm a good girl... I'm your good girl, Katya.. Please, let me cum!" The young girl begged, the stimulation becoming too much. If she could defy Katya and just let go she would, but the demon's control on her body was holding her back.

"I don't think you've learned your lesson yet, baby. Also, you didn't answer my question earlier, which was very rude." Katya said, fucking herself harder, which caused the same feeling to transfer to the other girl.

Trixie was dripping onto the sheets, her walls clenching around nothingness and her swollen, constantly vibrating clit overly sensitive. The demon was relentless as she pounded her fingers into herself, the young girl's body moving viciously on the bed from the action, Katya's usual blue eyes shining red from the glow of desire.

"Please, I've learned my lesson, I promise. I love when you do it, it feels so good. I love knowing that I'm feeling what you're feeling." Trixie moaned out.

"Good girl, now let go for me, baby. Show me how pretty you look when you cum." Katya said, stopping all sensations on Trixie's body, and seeing her fall apart despite not being touched in any way anymore.

The brown eyed girl screamed Katya's name, her eyes closing and her hands gripping the sheets as her juices spilled onto the sheets below her. Katya continued to fuck herself relentlessly as she watched, loving the sight of Trixie coming undone more than anything in the world.

"Oh shit, Trixie.. Fuck!" Katya groaned out as she finally reached her high. She pulled her fingers out, holding them up to the tired girl's lips.

"Lick them clean, babygirl." The demon demanded, and the young girl did so right away, moaning at the taste.

Katya connected their lips as soon as Trixie pulled away from her fingers, pushing her tongue into the other girl's mouth to taste herself. Their tongues danced around for a second, but Katya's soon won dominance without much fight. Trixie moaned into the kiss, the calmness of her post-orgasm finding her.

"Well, good morning." Trixie said with a giggle as their lips disconnected.

"Good morning, baby." Katya said, laying down on the bed next to the girl again and hugging her close, never getting sick of the feeling of Trixie's soft curves against her own form.

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