Chapter 14: Always Near You

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"Trixie, can I kiss you?"

"Uhm.. uh.. ehm.. I mean.. uhm.." Trixie tried to form any sort of answer, but the shock of the question caused her to just stand there and mumble incoherent words instead.

"Trixie?" Katya asked in a calm tone, her thumb gently caressing Trixie's cheek.

"I... I.." The poor girl tried.

"Do you not want me to?" Katya said in a sad tone, worried that she might have pushed things too far too soon. 

Succubi rarely dealt with rejection, in fact, Katya could never remember having experienced it. As their nature was to manipulate and seduce, it was an uncommon challenge to face. Still, if Trixie truly rejected her, she'd have no choice but to respect it, even if it hurt her more than the idea of anyone else rejecting her ever could.

Katya let her hand fall from Trixie's cheek, turning to leave with a slightly defeated posture when a gentle hand took hold of the back of her oversized shirt.  It was a grip she could easily free herself of, the hand only barely holding the fabric between three fingers, and yet the action caused her to halt completely. 

Soon two arms slid around her waist, engulfing her in a warm hug, and Trixie's head came to rest against her back. Katya remained still, unsure of what was happening, but overwhelmed by an unfamiliar feeling. She didn't know why, but for some reason she wanted to cry and smile at the same time. 

"Don't go." Trixie said softly, tightening her grip slightly.

"I won't." Katya replied in a whisper, knowing she'd gladly stay wrapped up in that hug for forever. 

Katya had never truly understood love, at least not the human interpretation of it. She knew she was destined to fall in love with Trixie, but she hadn't realized how different that love could be from the kind she was familiar with.
Most demons didn't really fall in love, they just met their destined partner and then did their duty to protect them. It was more of a friendship then anything else, especially as sexual relations could still be done with anyone of their choosing. But in moments like this, when Trixie's arms were wrapped around her, she found herself truly wanting to be loved like a human. 

In such moments she wanted to fall asleep next to Trixie, so that she could wake up and see her first thing in the morning. She wanted to go out on cheesy outings and hold her hand. She wanted to joke and argue about stupid little things that didn't really matter. Katya wanted it all, and she wanted it with Trixie.

Suddenly Trixie let go and Katya was about to protest until she saw the girl move to stand in front of her, their eyes meeting before Trixie started to lean in. It took Katya a moment to understand what was happening but once she did, she closed the gap between them quickly, wrapping her arms around Trixie's waist to pull her closer.

The feeling of their lips meeting was like a cool breeze on a warm summer day or like rain in a drought. It was as if their entire existence until then had meant nothing, and they only truly came alive in that moment. The kiss breathed life into both of them, and they were desperately holding on to eachother as they felt themselves become complete for the first time. 

Their hearts sped up, but their movements remained calm as they let themselves savor the kiss to the fullest. They both knew in that moment that they could never truly be alone again for their hearts would forever be intertwined. This was destiny they realized, this was it's strength.

Katya had of course trusted destiny all her life, but for Trixie this feeling was entirely new, and yet she knew it in her heart to be true. She didn't know how, but something inside her told her that this was what she had been waiting for all her life. This was the gift destiny had granted her after years of loneliness and pain.

From the moment their lips met Trixie knew that Katya was her new reality. She was the color in her sky, and her reason to believe. Trixie would likely have thought herself insane if she were to think that way about anyone else, and yet with Katya she just trusted it to be the truth. With Katya she knew without the other woman telling her that they were eachother's future. 

They were somewhere.
They were everywhere.
And they were where they were meant to be.

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