Chapter 23: If We Are Fated

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The rain was pouring down, a storm brewing in the distance when Katya arrived to pick up Trixie from work. Usually they'd get something to eat on the way home, but Katya had instead invited the girl over for pizza and movie night, the demon wanting to experience the full extent of human life. Trixie somehow found it cute that the ruler of the underworld could have such simple wishes. She didn't know what she thought demons would be like, but the blue eyed woman was probably the furthest from anything she could have imagined. 

"Trixie, are you sure you wanna walk home?" Katya asked as she looked out at the watery streets.

"Yes, walking in the rain is the best, it washes away all your worries." Trixie replied as she took Katya's hand.

"Okay, but if you get sick, you better not blame me." 

"I won't, I promise." The young girl said, leaning up to place a soft kiss on Katya's cheek before she locked up the library doors. 

The High Priestess couldn't help but smile at how small Trixie's hand felt in hers as they walked through the empty streets. Above them was a dark sky, and around them raindrops fell like glitter in a snow globe.

"Listen, it sounds like crickets singing." Trixie said as she held onto the demon's arm to make her stop by a metal fence. 

Katya closed her eyes and listened, and sure enough, in the far distance the sounds of cars and sirens could be heard and as they mixed with the sound of the raindrops hitting the cold metal fence, it was almost like the sound of crickets chirping at night.

"You really look for the beauty in things, don't you?" Katya said as she looked towards the girl.

Trixie's eyes were closed as she leaned her head towards the sky, the soft raindrops making her skin shimmer under the warm glow of old streetlights. Once again Katya found herself convinced that no angel could be as ethereal as the human girl next to her. No, her honey eyed angel put all others to shame. 

"When you've got nothing and no one, you learn to look for the simplest joys of life. A sunny day with flying butterflies. A good book to read on a fresh spring day. A sky so blue that the stars look like fireflies. All those things always brought me comfort. But I've always liked rain showers the most, I liked the new hope they brought. The day after a rain shower, the streets will shine from reflecting sunlight, and leaves and flower pedals will sparkle from the heavy crystal drops that remain on them." Trixie said as she looked at the soft, dark clouds above her head lovingly.

In moments like that, Katya was reminded of how clever the girl was and how much she had read, and the demon found herself transfixed by the poetic strings of words that left the young girl's lips so effortlessly. She held Trixie's hand a bit more firmly, almost scared that the angel would somehow disappear if she didn't.

They continued on their walk, not rushing despite the heavy downpour, even as their lovely words were partly gobbled up by the sound of rain. The storms could rage around them, but they'd still feel protected in the safety of their connected hands. The moonlight was hiding behind dark clouds and yet they still felt a warm glow surrounding them, guiding them on their way home.

"Katya, when do you think you have to go back?" Trixie asked suddenly, even the rain being unable to wash away the worries the girl had about the demon disappearing.

"I honestly don't know.. it could be a couple weeks, a month, maybe more.."

"What if... what if we can't sincerely fall in love before that? What if the prophecy isn't about you?" Trixie said in a sad tone.

"If that's our destiny, then we'll have to accept it. I'll have to accept that our fate wasn't what I thought it was. But I don't believe that will happen. I believe in us, I believe in this." Katya said, lifting their intertwined hands and kissing the back of Trixie's.

"I believe in us too." Trixie said, almost wanting to say the three words that weighed on her mind, but too afraid that it might still just be a childish infatuation that she blew up to be something larger. She just hoped the day would come when she would be able to speak those three words aloud, and that it would come before their time ran out.

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