Chapter 49: Roses and Candlelight

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"Ready?" Sasha asked Trixie as the young girl corrected her veil and crown.

"Yeah, I'm ready." Trixie said, gaining a nod in response before the demon started to head out the door. "And Sasha.."


"Thanks for staying to watch over me this time." Trixie said with a giggle, remembering what had happened at her last wedding ceremony.

"It was my pleasure, Beatrice." Sasha replied.

Trixie followed the demon out of the dressing room and down the hallway. As soon as they were outside of the hall the doors flung open and music played. Tears filled her eyes as she saw Katya waiting for her at the front of the room and looking more radiant then ever before.

She walked down the aisle, her smile growing as she stepped closer and closer to Katya.

Her love.
Her light.
Her forever.

"You look so beautiful." Katya said, taking Trixie's hands in hers.

"You do too, you look absolutely stunning." The young girl replied.

Madam Galina smiled at them before she held her arms out, lighting a thousand candles all around the hall. Trixie looked around in surprise, finding the star-like glow of them to be endlessly beautiful against the  hundreds of flowers that filled the room.

"Today is a day of celebration. A celebration of both the future of our realm, and a celebration of the love between these two women. Yekaterina, Beatrice, you have been blessed by the hands of destiny and gifted with the bond of eternal love. And we are privileged to witness and celebrate that love here today." Madam Galina spoke before she held up a golden chalice decorated with rubies. She put it on a high pedestal in front of her and placed a bottle and a ribbon next to it.

"In this cup I pour the Wine of Vila, to signify your hearts flowing as one, and how you shall rely and heal eachother through hardships. Around it I tie the Ribbon of Danitsa, to signify the bond between you, and how you shall brighten eachother's days like the morning star brightens the sky. Now, please recite your promises to eachother." The old demon said before handing the chalice to Katya first.

"My dearest darling Trixie, you are the most incredible person I have ever met. You've been tossed into a world that you knew nothing about and you've been harmed so many times since I entered your life, and yet you've welcomed me into your heart. I promise that from now on we will have peace, and there will be more good days than bad ones. I never thought I would experience true love, but you snuck your way into my heart. To quote one of your favorite poems; Just then, I am like Newton's apple. I rolled towards her without stopping until I fell on her, with a thump. My heart keeps bouncing between the sky and the ground. That's truly what it feels like, Trixie. It feels like my heart is bouncing between the earth and sky every time you're near me, and I can't believe I'll get to have you by my side for forever. You make me better, but you also understand me better than anyone else. I love you, and I promise that I always will." Katya said before drinking the wine and handing the cup to a teary-eyed Trixie.

"I love you so much.. I'm sorry, I'm really emotional now." Trixie said with a giggle through her tears making the hall fill with heartwarming laughter from everyone else too. Katya reached over to brush away some of the girl's tears before Trixie started to speak again.

"Katya, before you came into my life, I thought I'd be alone forever. You turned my world upside down, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Dating you has been an adventure to say the least, but what's the point of life if Risk is just a boardgame, right? No one has ever cared for me like you do, and even with everything we've been through I wouldn't change a thing. All my life I've been looking for someone to shed some light in my world, I just never imagined that the Priestess of Darkness would be the one to do it. There are moments when I still don't know if all this is real, because a part of me still can't believe that someone like you has given me their heart, so I thank the hands of fate every morning for tangling our lifelines together. I can't give you much, but I can and have given you my heart, and it will always belong to you no matter what the future brings. I promise to do my best to support you, rule with you, and make your days brighter. But most of all I promise to love you unconditionally, now and forever." The brown eyed girl said before lifting the cup to her pink lips and drinking the fruity wine.

"Those bonded by the gifts of Vila and Danitsa shall never be separated, their hearts forever protected by the love they hold for eachother. All hail The High Priestess and Eternal Ruler Yekaterina Petrovna and the Promised Wife of Darkness Beatrice Mattel, may their love be as eternal as their lives." Madam Galina announced before gesturing for Katya to kiss her bride.

"May their love be eternal!" The crowd of people repeated.

Katya wrapped her arms around Trixie's waist and pulled her in for a passionate kiss which quickly turned so intense that the crown cheered and whistled at them whilst Trixie's cheeks grew a deep shade of red.

No one could say what the future would hold, but both girls knew that the best thing they ever did was meeting eachother and trusting in destiny. They knew their love for eachother would never change, their hearts forever intertwined. And so they knew their love would burn like an eternal flame.

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