Chapter 10: The Freedom Of Knowledge

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"What's happening to me?" Trixie thought to herself as she got dressed for the day.

Her mind was filled with images from her dream, and she hated herself for it. Katya was the only one who'd shown any real interest in befriending her, and now her stupid brain was messing it up by twisting it into something that it wasn't. Trixie doubted that the other woman was even into girls, and even if she was, there was no way that she'd fall for someone like Trixie.

"Stop letting yourself get ideas, Trixie. She will never like you like that." The young girl said strictly as she viewed herself in the mirror. 

Katya was mysterious, interesting and different, and well, Trixie... she was just Trixie. She was lucky to even have the blue eyed girl as a friend, she couldn't mess that up. If she did, she'd be all alone again.

"Sleep tight, my darling. I'll see you soon." She heard Katya's voice say on repeat in her mind. Her foolish heart desperately clinging to the words as if they were real. Of course, Katya would never really say something like that.
It was a silly dream, that was all.
A stupid, childish, thirsty... really good dream.

Trixie wondered briefly if the blue eyed woman's body really looked like it had in her imagination. So utterly perfect and muscular. Katya had looked like a Goddess in both of Trixie's dreams. Of course, she also had the face of a nymph so it wasn't so unlikely that her body could match it.

"Stop it, Trix. You're being creepy. Stop thinking about her. She's your friend, that's all." She mentally scolded herself.

She walked to work, the same route as always, taking note of the fact that both the teashop and tattoo parlour were closed, which seemed strange as it was only a regular Thursday. She wondered for a moment how much money Katya had, since she could have few customers and have the shop closed on certain days, and still do perfectly fine. Still, it was none of Trixie's business, so she dropped the thought and walked on. 

An hour into her shift the bell above the library door rang and to her surprise a familiar blonde woman with lips painted red entered. 

"Hi, what are you doing here?" Trixie asked, mentally slapping herself the moment she had said the words as there was a pretty obvious reason as to why someone would come to a library.

"I thought I'd pick up some books, or maybe you could recommend me some and I'll recommened some to you?" Katya suggested. 

"Oh, uhm, sure. That sounds interesting." The brown eyed girl replied.

"I always think that what people read tells you alot about who they are, don't you?" 

"Yeah, I agree. I've never really had a chance to exchange favorites like this." Trixie said. 

"Well, I'm happy to be the first to learn your favorites. Shall we begin?" Katya said with a smile, holding out her arm for Trixie to take. It was clearly a joking gesture, and yet Trixie felt butterflies in her stomach as she looped her arm around Katya's. 

They walked for a while before Trixie held the blue eyed woman back, noticing a familiar book that she enjoyed a lot.

"Oh, this is a good one, it's a beautiful collection of poems by Kim In Yook called Physics of Love. Do you ever read poetry?" Trixie said as she plucked the small purple book out of the shelf. 

"Sometimes, I haven't in a while tho, but I'll be sure to read this." Katya assured her, taking the book with a smile before they continued on their stroll in between the large shelves of books. 

"Ah, I remember this one. It's quite good, it's about a professor who summons a 4000 year old female demon." Katya said as she came across a familiar title. She saw the confusion and surprise on Trixie's face, very aware that "A Personal Demon" was most likely a book very few had borrowed from the library. It wasn't a remarkable piece of litterature, nor the best representation of a succubus, but the blue eyed girl still thought it was a good pick. Katya saw this as an experiment to hint at what she was, and also see how Trixie would respond to characters who were so reminiscent of Katya herself.

"I didn't even know we had this book, but okay, I'll check it out." The brown eyed girl said, taking the book from the older woman's hands. They walked on until they reached the shelf of play manuscripts. 

"Have you ever read The Wild Duck by Henrik Ibsen? It's a play, not really a book, but it's really remarkable." Trixie said as she handed over a small beige manuscript. 

"I haven't actually, by the way I love how you have not recommended a single novel to me." Katya said with a laugh as she took the book.

"Oh.. ehm.. I can recommend novels if you like that more.." Trixie said nervously.

"Trixie, it's fine. I trust your taste." The blue eyed girl said calmly.

"Okay then." The younger girl replied with a shy smile.

"How about this? I'll recommend you a short story next and not a novel." Katya suggested, to which the other girl simply nodded shyly.

The blue eyed girl led Trixie comfortably around the library as if it was she who worked there, stopping once they reached the shelf that Katya was looking for. She carefully picked out an older book with a french title.

"Les.. cents... kont..." Trixie tried to read.

"Les Cent Contes drolatiques. It basically means; a hundred funny tales. You don't have to read the whole thing, I haven't, but there's a story in it called The Succubus which is quite interesting." Katya explained. 

"Oh okay, I'll make sure to read that one at least then." Trixie promised, wondering in her head why the theme of demons and especially succubi kept coming up, but soon enough pushing the unnecessary thought away.

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