Chapter 24: Hold Me Tight

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"Give it to me, you're doing it wrong." Trixie said, making grabby hands at the remote which the other woman held high up in the air.

It was the definition of a childish display, Trixie practically laying across Katya's lap as she tried to reach the object. The blue eyed woman was holding it above her head and moving her arm from side to side to keep the younger girl from taking it away.

"How can anyone click through a DVD menu wrong? I may not be from here, but I am able to click the buttons on a remote, Trixie." Katya argued.

"No, you can't. I don't know how you're doing it wrong, but you just are." The younger girl replied, sounding like a whiny kid. "Ha! Got it!" Trixie said victoriously as she took the remote, her hand on top of the demon's head, squishing the other woman down into the couch.

"No, you don't." Katya said, making the remote appear in her hand once again. 

"Not fair!" The brown eyed girl whined cutely, folding her arms across her chest. "Give it to me, I got it fair and square." She argued.

"You're being such a brat." 

"Am not." Trixie said with a pout, rolling her eyes. 

"Really? You're gonna be a childish brat and roll your eyes at me?" Katya said, raising her eyebrows.

"So what? What are you gonna do about it?" The younger girl challenged.

"Well, baby, I could always punish you." The demon whispered seductively. 

Trixie rolled her eyes again, not willing to admit that Katya's words had caused her to grow wet. The more confidence Trixie got, the more stubborn she became, and she'd learned very quickly that her demon lover was not used to people contradicting her, especially not out of pure stubbornness.

"Okay, that's it." Katya said. 

Trixie squaled as Katya flipped her over so that she was laying down in her lap, the young girl's large, round ass in the air, only covered by the flimsy material of her short skirt.

"You wanna test me, babygirl? Have you forgotten who I am?" The demon said, her nature taking over as she flipped the girl's skirt up and pulled her panties down.
"Oh and look, you're already wet. Cute." Katya mocked as she ran a finger in between Trixie's folds, chuckling darkly at the way they glistened as she pulled them away which made the girl in her lap whine. Katya's hand came down harshly on Trixie's ass, the impact making the girl's entire body move in her lap. 

"Oh fuck!" Trixie moaned, which earned her another slap right away. 

"Good girls don't swear. Good girls say thank you." The demon said darkly. 

She was in no way actually upset with the girl, but her very being craved control and dominance, and the human girl's innocent, shy and yet bratty nature made that craving grow. The way Trixie loved the pain, melted once Katya's voice darkened, blushed under a lustful gaze, all of that set Katya's body aflame.

"I'm sorry, thank you." The girl moaned out as Katya massaged her reddened ass cheek.

"Good girl." Katya praised, making the young girl melt. 

As the spanking continued, Trixie thanking the High Priestess each time, the young girl's arousal grew, and soon enough desperation found her. She was dripping wet, Katya's jeans soaked beneath her, Trixie's swollen clit buzzing with electric energy every time the demon's hand made contact with her ass.

"Please Katya.." Trixie moaned out.

"Please what, кукла?" 

"Please... may I cum?" The girl begged before another hard slap came, Katya's hand starting to create a permanent pattern on her backside. "Uhhh, thank you." She said without hesitation.

"Mhmm, you're so good for me, aren't you?" Katya said, her fingers reaching between the girl's thighs and gently circling Trixie's clit, making the poor girl shake in her lap.

"Ye-yes, I'm good.. I'm your good girl. Always your good girl. Please, let me cum." Trixie begged with more desperation in her voice.

"Go ahead, baby." Katya said, and in the very same moment the angel in her lap twisted her body in the most delicious way. Moaning as her juices spilled onto Katya, her thighs shaking as she let go completely. 

Katya picked the exhausted girl up and wrapped her up in her arms, the girl whining when her own weight was placed on her sensitive ass. The blue eyed girl combed through the angel's hair, whispering sweet nothings to assure the young girl that she was genuinely cared for.

It was their own little oasis.
There they could for a moment pretend like they were any other couple.
There they could fall in love without worrying about how much time passed them by.

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