Chapter 2: The Red Line

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"Please High Priestess, spare me. I don't belong here." The man begged, but Katya simply smirked.

"Don't belong here? You're the scum of the earth. You filmed every young woman whom you could trick into sleeping with you and blackmailed them with the videoes. You even spread the videoes to your friends. You mocked them, abused them, drugged them. You deserve to be here far more than most. There are different types of sinners, some of which I welcome happily like family, and others whom I spit on and burn for eternity. You belong to the second category. You'll burn in the hottest fire in the deepest pit of our realm. You will suffer for forever, and I'll enjoy watching it happen." Katya told the man, who was pulled away kicking and screaming moments later.

"Pathetic human... He mocked the pain of others, and yet he can take no pain himself. Tell me, Sasha, am I unjust?" The Priestess asked.

"No Yekaterina, you are a fair ruler.  You govern our realm with a strong but just hand." Sasha replied. 

Sasha acted as Katya's advisor, her second in command, whilst Katya herself was ruler of the entire Realm of Darkness. In some faiths it may be referred to as Hell, but Katya was no fallen angel as those faiths would suggest. When the Prince of Darkness attacked the Realm of Light centuries ago, he gained his own realm. A realm which then created thousands of new demons. Some stronger and some weaker. But the strongest ones were the ones who were fed a drop of the Prince's blood right after creation. Katya was one of them, but she got more drops then most and was therefor feared more than anyone once her time to rule came.

But each ruler plays a dangerous game. Through the throne room runs a river, a river that eventually turns red.
If the ruler does not find their promised match and gain that person's love before the river turns black again, they cease to exist. Until now, no one had managed to avoid that fate.

But there was a prophecy; "When the High Priestess sits on the throne and the blood of Our Dark Creator runs thickly through her veins, a Woman shall sit on the throne beside her and they shall rule The Realm of Darkness eternally."

Katya believed it had to be about her. Firstly because she knew the Prince's blood ran thicker in her veins. But also because whilst most demons desired both genders, especially incubuses or succubuses as she herself was, very few felt a stronger pull towards the same gender as themselves.
Katya however, felt mostly drawn to women. Men she would torment and harm, the seduction would only be to further cause pain upon them.
But women, women she would enjoy to the fullest. She'd pull them deeply into the depths of lust and desire, before she let them go.

Surely, the prophecy had to be about her?

"Katya, the water, the red tide has come." Sasha told her. Katya turned her attention to the stream, and sure enough, there the river ran bright red. 

"Call upon Miss Monsoon." Katya announced. 

Two lower demons disappeared through a portal to the human world and not long after they returned with an old looking woman. Katya rolled her eyes at the woman's appearance, snapping her fingers so the Angel of Death would turn back into her natural form. Not long after the woman stood before them as a young girl once more. 

"The tide has turned red, has anyone come to see you, Jinkx?" The High Priestess asked.

"She came to me just now. Beautiful girl, trusting, curious... She chose your tea right away from smell alone, and drank it from your cup. Destiny has spoken, now the rest is up to you." Jinkx responded as she handed Katya the red teacup. 

The High Priestess held the pink lipstick mark on the cup up to her own lips, moaning as visions of the blonde girl who drank from it filled her mind. She saw the girl looking at herself in the mirror, saw her touch herself at night, heard her speak her own name, and felt her lips pressing against the cup.

"Trixie Mattel, what a beautiful name for a very beautiful woman. Well, time to pay you a visit." Katya whispered to herself.

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