Chapter 22: The Comforting Voice

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"No, but listen, this part is beautiful." Katya said as she excitedly flipped through the pages of a book she had found at the library called "If There's A Word More Powerful Than Love."

"Katya, I'm working. I need to get these labeled." Trixie said with a laugh.

"There's no one here, there's no one who'll check if they're done today, and you've got tons of time anyways. Just listen to me." The blue eyed girl whined, making a large bean bag appear and sitting down, pulling Trixie down to sit in her lap.

"Okay, okay. Read to me then." Trixie replied, giggling at the ridiculous childishness the demon had at times.

"You'll like this." Katya said excitedly, wrapping an arm around Trixie and pulling her even closer before she started to read in a calm and warm tone.

"How did we meet?
One day, a butterfly flew like a pedal and made a small flutter.
How did we meet and end up here?
The corner of the street where we exchanged our love on a spring day.
It was a miracle. We slowly held hands as we walked down the streets together. The dandelions beneath the telephone pole swayed brightly.
How did we manage to come this far together? I've come to believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence in love. I've come to trust that the universe calculates even the littlest things such as the wing stroke of a butterfly in order to make two people fall in love.
An inevitable miracle."

Trixie was hanging onto every word that left the woman's red lips, looking at her as if she had put the moon in the sky. Her heart was beating out of her chest as she listened carefully to every poetic word that the demon spoke.

Had she lived before she met Katya?
Or had she just kept herself alive?

Trixie felt as if she had lived in a monochromatic image up until the demon entered her world. But now she felt awakened. She was finally living life in technicolor, and she now knew that the world she had known was only a small part of a larger picture.
Like Eve she had eaten the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and like Lilith, Katya had drowned her in a sea of seduction and desire and pulled Trixie away from the innocence she had thought she had to protect.

Trixie found herself wondering for a moment why she had been so scared to explore her sexual desires.
When had she been taught that desire was something to be feared? When had she learned that lust was a sin?
She had no religious reason to feel ashamed about her desires, and yet she had pushed every need and want to the back of her mind. Why are women taught that purity is desirable?
Why was their fear of being perceived as slutty so large?

Katya continued to read, and the young girl gazed at her with a look of pure love. It was too soon to feel something like that, and yet she knew the day would have to come if she was not to loose the demon forever.

How would she live if Katya disappeared?
What would her life become?

"Can I read a little?" Trixie asked with a blush.

"Yeah, of course." Katya replied, angling the book so the brown eyed girl could see the text.

"Once, I read the page of the book you used to read aloud to myself.
Once, I sat on the chair you used to sit on and closed my eyes in order to feel your warmth.
Once, I even caressed the rim of the cup you used to use with my fingertips.
How did we manage to come this far together? Were we able to reach love because we walked through such lovely moments together?
An inevitable miracle.
I suppose I didn't want to think that we met by a mere coincidence. So, the only thing I can do is do my best to love you...
At the moment, I am passing through your love." Trixie read.

Katya didn't want to admit to herself how good it felt to hear the young girl read the words, to hear her say "..the only thing I can do is do my best to love you..". Those beautiful words leaving those soft, pink lips made her heart skip a beat, and that terrified her.
For what if she'd never hear the girl truly say them? Or what if some jealous demon took the girl away?
Maybe death would then be a welcomed friend to her.
Would she see her cruel fate as merciful if she couldn't receive the young girl's love? Or would it be like rubbing salt in the wound?

"It's a beautiful book. We should read more of it together sometime." Trixie said.

"I'd like that." Katya replied with a soft smile, as she hugged the girl closer to her. The fear of breaking the fragile moment making her hold on more tightly.

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