Chapter 39: When The Light Fades

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When they returned, the little girl disappeared from Katya's hold, her soul returning to the lifeless body that laid on the floor. The child-eating demon was long gone, all the glowing books gone too, which Katya saw as no surprise. Violet was a powerful and sly demon, a master of hiding herself away in corners where no one would look. Katya would be surprised if the council ever managed to capture her again.

Trixie still wasn't moving, but Katya knew the danger was over so she picked the girl up bridal style and transported them both to the safety of her apartment. She laid Trixie down on the couch, twiddling her thumbs nervously as she waited for the girl to wake. She may have convinced the child to go with her, but the grown up Trixie had been scared away with lies and deceit, so Katya had no clue how the girl would react once she woke up. 

On the table laid the glowing pendant, and Katya picked it up for a moment, nervously regarding it's fading light. It's once bright red light was now a dull deep color, blackness covering it more and more. There was almost no time left, and here she was, unsure if the woman in front of her would ever trust her again. 

"mhmm....wh-a... where am I?" Trixie asked groggily as she blinked quickly and rolled her head and shoulders. Katya didn't say anything, unsure of what she could say.
When the girl finally noticed the demon, she sat up and pushed herself away from Katya, a look of fear in her eyes. "No.. no, I can't be here. I-it, it will end badly, and you lied to me and, n-no.." She said, her voice shaking.

"Trixie please, it's not what you think, I swear. I didn't keep anything from you, I had no idea there even was a second half to the prophecy. But I swear it doesn't mean what you think." Katya tried to explain.

"B-but there was a God, and a Goddess, and they told me... And wait were you in my dream again?" Trixie said confused.

"I know, I know they told you things, but none of those things are true. I didn't keep anything from you. And whilst he is a God, she is no Goddess. That woman, she's a demon. She lives off of devouring the souls of children who are all alone, children who have no one around who loves them. She preys on the weakest and tricks them with her stories. The dream you had, was no dream at all. Your soul, or well, the child in you that felt all those things, was trapped inside a storybook and if I hadn't taken you away from there, you would have died. The council of the Gods locked her up and swore to never release her, but their fear of me made them release her anyways. Gods are not allowed to harm humans, but they sent Byremeon after you and when that failed, they sent her. They've broken their own laws, Trixie." The demon explained, knowing it was a lot to take in, but hoping it would convince the girl.

"They told me I would be safe..."

"I know, but they lied to you. They tried to kill you, Trixie. All to stop our fate from happening." Katya said. Trixie sat up then, her breathing more calm as she sat closer to the other woman again.

"But, if they're willing to go to those lengths, wouldn't that mean that the prophecy stuff is true? I mean, it's kind of understandable that they'd sacrifice me if the entire world is in danger." The girl said, trying to wrap her head around everything.

"They believe it to be true, but only because they've refused to listen to any other possibility. What it actually means is that I'll punish the council, and I'll do so because of them attempting to harm a human. The council are the light, but they've dived into darkness themselves by using the weakness they knew you had against you and by harming an innocent. They've corrupted themselves, Trixie. They fear me and the power I possess so much that they refuse to open their eyes and see me as anything but the world's destruction. Do you remember what you said about the succubus in the short story I made you read?" 

"Yeah.. I said she seemed to be feared and punished for the power and strength she possessed, more than she was punished for her actual crimes." Trixie replied. 

"Exactly, well they are doing the same as the judges and jury in that story did. They're not punishing me or attacking you because the prophecy is real, they're doing it because they fear the power and strength I have so much that they refuse to believe that I'm not pure evil." Katya told her. 

Trixie considered the woman's words, and she had to admit it made a lot of sense. She also couldn't help but think about the fact that if the dream wasn't a dream, that meant that Katya really was the one who had saved her all those years ago. Even if it was foolish, her soul was begging her to believe the woman, and her heart was breaking from keeping away. Katya looked desperate to be believed, and that unbreakable bond between them was urging Trixie to but her faith in the demon again. So with tears rolling down her cheeks she said;

"Okay.. I believe you."

"You do?" Katya said, her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so gullible.. I was so naive and I'm so sorry, Katya." Trixie cried. 

In less then a second, Katya had moved over to the girl, her warm arms wrapping Trixie up in a safe hug. Trixie clung to her like a koala, feeling her heart fall at ease as their hearts reunited, beating as one as they held each other. 

"Don't be sorry, you had no way of knowing. I'm sorry for not finding you sooner." Katya told her, suddenly feeling a little faint. 

"Don't be, it's okay." Trixie said. 

Not long after, the young girl suddenly felt the blue eyed woman become heavy in her arms, and the feeling of the demon's heartbeat becoming weak. Katya herself had trouble seeing, a blurriness covering her eyes like a veil. She looked over at where she had placed the pendant, and felt a tear run down her cheek as she saw it's light fade away.

She was too late, she realized.

Their time had gone by too quickly, and now as the red tide passed, her life light was going out.

"Time.. we've run out.. I'm sorry, Trixie... I-I'm sorry.... I-I love you.." Katya whispered before she fell limp against Trixie shoulder.

"Katya? Katya, please, no.. What's happening? Katya, please wake up. Katya!" Trixie cried out as she desperately tried shake the woman awake, but there was no response. "Please, Katya." She whispered again before saying the words that she cursed herself for holding back for so long;

"Please... I love you."

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