Chapter 11: Plans Of Malice

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In another realm three men and two women were sat around a table discussing what they found to be very grim news.

"They've met. The High Priestess has met the human girl, and the girl has already had the tea. I pressured Jinkx quite a bit to get her to share what she knew, but eventually she gave in. Apparently the girl picked the tea on scent alone and drank it from Yekaterina's cup, bonding them together, and now the High Priestess has succeeded in locating and befriending the girl." A young looking man told the others. He was dressed in fine clothing, white and gold robes made of pure silk hanging off his shoulders. 

"You said you could stop them from meeting, Byremeon. You have already failed your task." An older looking bearded man in similar robes told the man sitting next to him.
Byremeon, as the man was called, was dressed in darker robes. Red and black fabric adorned him form, but they were no less fine, some of them were brocade and others thick velvet embroidered with silver thread.

"I will stop them from returning together, Koerishin." Byremeon told the older man.

"Why should we place our trust in you again?" Koerishin replied.

"His Divine Grace is right, why should we trust you, when you have failed us once already? If you only seek your own greed in this then so be it, but for us there is much greater risk then loosing a position which one covets." A beautiful young woman said. She had long raven hair, deep hazel eyes, and was dressed in a thin light blue silk gown. 

"Aurora, with all due respect, no one could have predicted that the girl would drink the tea so soon." Byremeon argued.

"Still, you must admit that we have been more than grand to you by even offering you a place in all this." Aurora responded. 

"Sister, maybe we should give him another chance. As he said, not even our readings showed us that they would meet so soon." The woman next to Aurora said. She was dressed similarly, but her gown was a light yellow, her hair golden and her eyes strikingly green. 

"Aurelia, I have to take your sister's side in this. A chance was given and that chance was wasted." The young man who had spoken first told the golden haired girl.

"Well, Yekaterina is not known to give up easily. She is stubborn, especially when she knows what she wants. She will stop at nothing, and we can not go to the same extremes. It is against our laws. You know what will happen to the human girl when we succeed, and we cannot have that on our hands, Ezerishin." Aurelia said.

"Aurelia is right. We need Byremeon or another of his kind, we cannot do this ourselves. The law strictly forbids any harm towards a human. Even in this situation, we cannot harm her in any way." Koerishin spoke, an aura of authority and senority in every word.

"Fine, we shall grant Byremeon another chance." Aurora said in an annoyed tone. She did not attempt to hide how much she disliked that they needed the help of a demon.

"So it shall be." Ezerishin agreed.

"Thank you council. I swear I will not let you down this time. You know I want this as much as you do." Byremeon told the other four. 

Of course, he in truth wanted it far more then they did.
He was a greedy demon, an incubus who had lusted after Yekaterina's position for years. He was next in line for the throne, and could almost taste the power. And yet that annoyingly powerful succubus was blocking him from it. However, should the High Priestess fail her mission, the throne would be his and Yekaterina would be gone forever.

"You better not, Byremeon, or there will be punishment and we will seek aid from the next successor. Remember, there are many still who have the blood of the Prince of Darkness running through their veins." Keorishin told the demon.

"Yes, Divine Grace." Byremeon replied, fearing that any disrespect by not using the deity's title would earn him punishment as he was lucky to have been spared for this long. For while they were unable to harm humans, they were more then capable of harming a demon.

"Good. Now, let us all hope the reign of High Priestess Yekaterina may end soon. Otherwise the realms as we know them may face grave danger." The bearded man said as he gazed down at an old piece of parchment containing a painting of two women, and a fiery world behind them.

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