Chapter 20: Say It Sincerly

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Katya woke up early, never having to rest for long. She looked at the sleeping girl next to her. Trixie looked so peaceful, so angelic, so beautiful.
Katya found herself lost in the beauty of the doll-like girl, her heart beating fast as her eyes traveled across Trixie's soft features. When Trixie found the pendant, Katya had worried she would loose her forever, the outcome it had lead to however, was one the demon could never have predicted. 

"I can see myself loving you." Katya whispered as she gently caressed Trixie's cheek.

She really could. For the first time she could truly see herself falling head over heels for the young girl. Not like how demons would feel towards their partners, but how humans who were genuinely in love would.
That fact scared her a little.
Love was a dangerous game and one many demons had lost. She knew she was destined to be with Trixie if she was the Eternal Ruler, however the law only actually required the human to love the demon, not the other way around. Katya could live her eternal life without ever loving Trixie, and yet she was moving closer and closer to the rabbit hole, so close to falling down completely, slowly opening her heart to emotions she never thought she'd feel. 

As Katya admired the beautiful girl next to her, she thought that she could live eternally and never get sick of waking up next to Trixie. The angel smiled in her sleep, and Katya felt her heart go crazy and a smile spreading on her own lips.

She didn't know how she would ever explain what she felt for the brown eyed girl, feeling as if all the words in the world wouldn't be enough to describe it. It wasn't love yet, or maybe it was and she just didn't want to admit it, she wasn't sure. All she knew was that she wanted to wrap Trixie up and hide her away from prophecies and dangerous futures, and instead just stay with her in a distant corner of the world. 

Katya found herself wondering what their destiny would have been if she were human.

Would Trixie still be laying in her bed?

Would the young girl even have glanced in Katya's direction?

Would the angel have been free of the heartbreak of loneliness?

Would destiny have given the poor girl a happier fate or would she still be trapped in this game of Russian roulette?

Katya couldn't help but feel guilty for the young girl's fate. Perhaps Trixie would still have had a family now if it wasn't for her being destined to be with the demon. Could eternal life in an unfamiliar realm really make up for years of heartbreak and loneliness?
Would a life with Katya be enough to heal the wounds of Trixie's heart?

"Mmm, good morning." Trixie said sleepily, looking like an adorable bunny as she rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"Good morning, Милая." Katya said, pushing a few strands of hair behind the angel's ear. 

"Was all that stuff last night real, or did I dream weirdly again?" Trixie asked cutely as she sat up.

"Very much real, кукла. Are you okay with that?" The blue eyed girl asked, suddenly feeling nervous that it might have been too much for Trixie afterall.

"Yeah, I mean... the destined to be with you forever - thing is still gonna take some getting used to, it might take some time for me to truly believe that. But I feel like I got pretty in depth proof of your demon abilities last night, so I believe that part... and yeah, I think in time I'll start trusting all the strange prophecy stuff too. Also kissing you does not feel like kissing anyone else. It feels like weirdly right, like I've always belonged by your side, so it's not that difficult to believe that there is some actual pre-determined connection between us." Trixie replied.

"You're really fascinating, do you know that? You're so shy and innocent, and yet you're so oddly okay with this, and also surprisingly kinky." Katya said with a teasing smile.

"Oh god..." Trixie said embarrassed, a deep blush covering her cheeks as she hid under the covers. 

"Aaw, there's my adorably shy baby." The blue eyed girl said with a warm smile, hugging Trixie like a pillow through the thick duvet. 

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