Chapter 33: Keep The Fear At Bay

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"You don't have to walk me all the way home, Katya." Trixie said as the pair walked hand in hand, straight past the demon's tattoo studio.

"I know, I could also just transport us there." Katya joked.

"Not what I meant." The young girl said with a giggle.

"I know, кукла. I just don't want you going home alone now. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you." Katya said, lifting their joint hands to place a kiss on the girl's wrist. 

Trixie never said so, but she truly did fear the same. Sometimes she was so afraid that her eternal night would come that she'd stay up until morning, restlessly obsessing over thoughts that held no true weight, and starting her next day feeling empty. Whenever she could see the light at the end of the tunnel she'd feel safe and happy, but then she'd suddenly be reminded that the prophecy might not even be about Katya, and if it wasn't, she'd be all alone again and she'd loose the one person she might actually love.

Actually, might was not the correct any longer. Trixie did love Katya, she knew that now. 

The young girl admired everything about the demon, and felt herself drowning in their smallest moments together. Katya was like a guiding hand that made Trixie believe in herself and trust her own instincts. She was like a wishing star that could make every dream the young girl ever had come true. With Katya she felt complete, as if a part of her had always been missing before she met the woman, and Trixie never wanted that feeling to end.

But the more Trixie found herself loving the woman, the more it scared her that she did not know the other woman's feelings. And even if Katya felt the same, the prophecy could be wrong and then their love would result in tragedy.

What would she do if all of this lead to heartbreak?

How could she ever live on without Katya? 

"Hey, thinker. Don't get lost inside that forest inside your mind." Katya said with a caring expression, pulling Trixie back into reality.

"Sorry." Trixie said with a small giggle. It came out forced and strange however, so the demon could instantly tell that something was up.

"You okay, baby?" Katya asked as she stopped walking, halting Trixie's movements as well. 

"Yeah, just worrying, I guess... Time's ticking away from us, you know? The pendant's light is getting darker too." The girl said, having seen the glowing pendant in Katya's apartment earlier that day, noticing how weakly it's light was shining.

"Trust in destiny, okay? Let me do the worrying." Katya told her, wrapping her up in a warm hug.
"We're gonna be okay, Trixie." The demon promised, kissing the top of the young girl's head.

Trixie nodded against the woman's shoulder than, letting her worries fall and instead focusing on how much she loved the girl who's arms she was wrapped up in.

"You being here is still like a mystery to me. I always thought I was cursed, but I must be blessed if I get to be wrapped up in your arms like this." Trixie whispered against the woman's shoulder. Katya didn't say anything, just held the girl tighter, never wanting to let go.

Eventually they walked on, arriving at Trixie's home soon enough and saying goodbye with a kiss. Trixie almost let the three words slip as their lips disconnected, but she kept them in once again, not certain if it was still too soon. Saying those three words also meant making a promise to fulfill the prophecy, and in case her feelings weren't as strong as she thought, she didn't want to have gotten Katya's hopes up. 

About an hour passed before there was a knock on the young girl's light pink door. She figured it would have to be Katya as no one else would really come to visit her, but when she opened she was met by two gorgeously stunning, unfamiliar people instead, one man and one woman.

"Trixie Mattel?" The man asked, his voice warm and smooth.

"Ehm... yes?" Trixie replied, feeling very odd about the strangers visiting her.

"Do not be afraid; for see, I am only here to help you, Trixie. You are in grave danger, my child."

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