Chapter 46: There Will Be Blood

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"The girl has arrived in her cell at Jeboulin." Ezerishin told the council members.

"Good, then peace shall come. Well done, Violet. You were successful this time. You have earned your freedom." Keorishin said.

"Thank you, Your Divine Grace." The demon said with a slight bow.

"Aurora, where is your sister? I do not know her to be late." Keorishin asked.

"I do not know, I have not seen her." The woman replied.

"That is very unlike her. She never acts out." Ezerishin spoke.

"Quite curious indeed." The other God agreed. "But at least our problem is solved." Keorishin added.

Suddenly thunder rang out as the golden sun turned bright red. The light blue sky turned dark, clouds covering it up before lightning started to strike the heavenly land. The white walls were now burning red and orange, screams of panic filling the halls as people searched for the source.
The council rose from their seats and stepped back in terror as a shadow walked out from the decay. From flames and ashes she rose, smoke surrounding her as her hellfire burnt the once holy land. She could smell their fear, see their certain deaths and their blood on the floor. Their fate was sealed. She was their Reaper, their executioner, their judge and their jury.  

"Ye..Yekaterina?" Ezerishin asked in terror, his eyes wide as is body shook in fear. 

"Hello дорогие. Did you miss me?" Katya asked sarcastically, her eyes dark and burning with anger. Anyone who saw her would start to count their blessings for her expression showed no mercy and only bloodlust.

"No? I thought you might have, you certainly worked hard to grab my attention. I thought we were done with these silly games, but clearly you have reached a new low." The High Priestess added as she walked up to Keorishin, mocking him and showing her strength by running her exposed claws down the side of his cheek, threatening to rip the skin open.

"You can not hurt us." Aurora spoke boldly.

"Oh really? Do you think I would be here if that were true?" Katya said as she flicked her arm out, splitting open the girl's abdomen in a violent move. She screamed out in pain as she fell to the ground, her blood starting to stain the white marble floor. 

"But h-how?" The girl cried.

"Well, let's see shall we? You all conspired to kill a human and you all attempted to do so multiple times. Did you really think that the oldest law of the Gods could be sidestepped by something as simple as ordering someone else to do your dirty work? You read the prophecy but you did not take a second to try to understand it. What you have done out of fear of the prophecy happening is what brought this upon you. You have sealed your own fate. And I, High Priestess Yekaterina Petrovna of the Realm of Darkness, I am in my full right to bring upon your Judgement Day. So say your last prayers and repent, for you have sinned against your own laws. Demons may be the bringer of darkness, but Gods? Gods are the true evil of this world." Katya proclaimed. 

Just then her eyes traveled to where Violet stood. The demon was clearly trying to sneak away, but Katya would not let her escape. In a swift move she tied the demon up in snake-like rope from head to toe. 

"Where are you going, Violet? You were so keen on playing with me that day in the library, what changed?" The demon mocked, a dark smirk on her lips. 

"P-ple-please Yekaterina, you must understand.. I only wanted my freedom.." The once confident demon cried.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I am not in a merciful mood." Katya said simply before snapping her fingers which caused the rope surrounding the girl to catch fire, a blue flame devouring the demon who screamed out as her skin burned. 

"Now, what shall I do about you boys?" Katya said in a falsely cheerful tone as she clasped her hands together.
"Your darling Aurora seems to have bled out. Such a pity... Well, she always was more bark than bite." The demon spoke as she stepped on the girl's cheek with her shoe, moving her lifeless head from side to side to bother the council members. She only moved her foot away once she remembered that the girl's sister had in fact helped her, and so she should at least show her a small amount of decency for the sake of Aurelia. 

"Do not be so bold, Yekaterina. Remember who you are speaking to." Ezerishin said, but the demon only laughed darkly. She dug her claws into the man's shoulders before pushing him down on his knees, leaving large cuts on his skin.

"No, you should remember who you are talking to, Ezerishin!" She roared, the burning flames in the room growing larger with her increasing anger. "I am the Eternal Ruler, the blood of the Prince of Darkness runs thickly through my veins, and I shall bring upon your destruction as is my right to do. You may attempt to harm me, but you will find it to be futile." Katya said confidently as she formed a crown of flames in her hands. 

"Show mercy, we may have misunderstood, but we did what we did to protect the realms." Ezerishin said, clearly attempting to keep his voice from shaking. 

"No, you did what you did out of fear of my power. If you had thought it through, you would have known that I did not wish destruction. But you attacked the one thing I love, like monsters you went after an innocent and locked her away." Katya told him as she slashed her claws across his face, sending him to the ground yelping in pain as he held onto the deep wound.

"Yekaterina, see reason. This is not justice." Keorishin said, seeming surprisingly calm, and yet his eyes showed his fear. 

"I do not care about justice, I care about revenge. And since you have always wanted to act as a King of Gods, I shall give you a gift;" The demon spoke darkly, seeing the man's calm exterior disappear . "A crown." She said as she placed the burning crown upon the God's head.

He screamed as he attempted to pull it away and desperately sent out burst of energy towards Katya, but it did nothing to harm her. His power was unable to cause even a scratch upon the demon's skin, and soon his lifeless form fell to the ground. 

"You...You will pay for this!" Ezerishin yelled.

"No, дорогой. I will pay for nothing. But do not fear, the council will be rebuilt. Aurelia will lead it with a kind and just heart." Katya told him with a smirk, knowing that he would be furious to learn that their own member had turned against them.


"Yes, the darling girl came to inform me of your wicked plans, and so she will be spared." Katya said. "You however, you will die here along with your fellow members, and the council's unjust reign will end. You will all burn in the eternal fires of Hell, where there is no way in or out except but to die at the hand of the Ruler of the Damned." Katya said, as she lifted her hand.

"N-n-no, p-please..." 

"Goodbye, Ezerishin." She said calmly before she made fifty snakes of fire appear, all biting his skin and injecting his blood with flames and burning his skin as they traveled across his form, whilst he twisted and turned and screamed in agony. 

His death was slow, painful, and Katya stood by and enjoyed it seeing as he was who had assisted Violet in her crimes. He had the chance to change the course of things, but did nothing, and so Katya smiled as she watched his light flicker out as the snakes devoured him completely.

It was over. The second attack on the Realm of Light was finished, and Katya stood there victorious, surrounded by blood, ashes and flames.

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