Chapter 41: Life Begins Again

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Once the demons started to clear out from the hall, Trixie turned to Katya, feeling happy but also quite overwhelmed. She was in a completely new environment, and what her role there would be, that she did not know. Of course she was overjoyed that Katya had survived and that they could finally be together, but the future also frightened her.

"What happens now?" Trixie asked.

"Now, I show you my world." Katya replied, placing her hand on the young girl's cheek and pulling her in for a kiss.

"Showing off your bride, Yekaterina?" Sasha said as she walked up to the pair.

"Wait, are we married?" Trixie suddenly asked, feeling confused about the entire situation.

"Not yet, кукла." Katya told her with a warm laugh before she kissed the doll's cheek, forever fascinated by the girl's adorable nature.

"And yes, Sasha, I am. Why should I not?" The blue eyed woman said with a smirk as she placed a protective arm around Trixie's waist.

"Well, she is very beautiful. I thought you were exaggerating when you described her, but I can see you were not." Sasha said, making Trixie blush a deep crimson.
"It is very nice to meet you, Beatrice." The bald demon added as she took the young girl's hand and kissed it. The action made Katya's hand tighten around Trixie's waist which made Sasha laugh.

"Oh, ehm, you don't have to call me Beatrice, I've never really used that name. I usually go by Trixie." the young girl said.

"You absolutely have to call her Beatrice." Katya interjected with a small flame in her eyes.

"What? Why?" Trixie asked confused, especially as Katya's words had made Sasha laugh further.

"She is just being protective over you, which is quite interesting to see, you clearly are very special to her." Sasha explained with a wink towards the doll.
"But calm down, Kathinka, I would never try to steal her away." The woman added towards the High Priestess.

"I know that..." Katya mumbled, but even so she felt the need to keep her arm tight around her lover.

"It is nice to see you so attached to someone, Yekaterina. And I look forward to getting to know you, Beatrice." Sasha said with a friendly and polite smile before she turned to leave.

"Sasha, wait." The High Priestess said suddenly.

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to thank you for keeping everything in order while I was away." Katya said.

"You are welcome, but I just did my duty, High Priestess." Sasha replied.

"Still, it is appreciated." The blue eyed woman said. Sasha only nodded in response before bowing in respect and exiting the hall, leaving only Trixie and Katya in the large room.

"She seems nice, and like... cool." Trixie said, her casual way of speaking suddenly feeling out of place, however she felt her heart ease as Katya matched her language to the doll's.

"Yeah, she's my closest friend. She's probably the only one here expect Madam Galina that I'd ever let use nicknames for me. She doesn't often tho, it's usually only when she thinks I'm acting dumb or childish." The demon said with a slight giggle.

Trixie smiled at that, liking the way Katya's eyes glowed with care for her friend. She wondered then how she had ever doubted Katya's ability to love, for the woman did nothing but show her affection through her every action when she cared for someone. Trixie would have never imagined that a demon could have such a warm heart, but Katya did. Katya cared about people, maybe more than she herself even knew. The young girl had no doubt that her lover could be devoured by desire or rage, but she knew in that moment that Katya's true nature was caring and protective. Katya's true nature wanted to love people, and be loved in return.

"I love you." Trixie said suddenly, taking Katya slightly aback as she had not known the thoughts that had been running through the girl's mind, and so it seemed as if the words had come out of nowhere. Still, she hugged the girl close and kissed the top of her head before replying;

"I love you too, Trixie. I can't wait to spend forever with you."

"I can't wait to spend forever with you either." Trixie replied as she snuggled into Katya's shoulder, loving that this was where she would get to stay until the world stopped spinning.

Forever by Katya's side.

Forever in Katya's arms.

Forever in Katya's heart.

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