Chapter 25: The Wrong Turn

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Sometimes, you can feel when someone is watching you. You can sense their presence as you walk around, feel their eyes following your every movement. You don't know how you know, but something in your gut tells you that someone is behind you. That was the feeling Trixie had when she was walking home from Katya's that Friday evening. 

She'd walked the same road hundreds of times before, and yet that night it felt longer than ever. She had considered calling Katya, but felt it was too childish to do so. After all, she couldn't see anyone behind her, and she did live very near the blue eyed woman's tattoo parlour. Still, the presence of someone could be felt, and so she held her phone clutched in her hand, her thumb hovering above the call icon.

Suddenly a hand went above her mouth and an arm wrapped around her waist. She tried to scream, but the sound was completely muffled. The young girl twisted her body to try to free herself, but the person was far too strong, their arms not loosening their grip in the slightest. Panicked, Trixie pressed call, but she could only hear the phone ringing, the object slipping out of her hand, before she saw the world around her get exchanged for a new scenery.

Trixie fell on the ground harshly, small rocks ripping into her skin. She looked around herself, seeing a huge lake in front of her, mist dancing on the surface of the reflective water. When she turned her head in the other direction, she could finally see her attacker.

He was a handsome man, above average Trixie would say, dressed in all dark clothing. A long expensive looking coat hung from his shoulders, making him seem more intimidating in the young girl's opinion. Trixie knew what he was. She'd seen Katya's abilities too many times to not recognize the similarities in his power. He was a demon without a doubt. The question was what he wanted with her.

Had Katya told the young girl that she was a target, Trixie might have reacted earlier. Maybe she hadn't hesitated to call the High Priestess, having likely felt less silly for worrying. But the human girl had no idea that she was in any danger, having brushed off the previous attempt on her life as an accident. 

"Aw, look at you... so weak, so pathetic." The demon spoke darkly, his lips curled up in a mocking smile, his eyes judging the human girl.

Trixie was terrified, unable to stand on her shaking legs, her lip quivering from fear as he hovered above her.

"Do the tiny scratches hurt?" He asked sarcastically, clearly very amused by the girl's frightened expression.

"Wh-who are you?" Trixie asked.

"Ah, she speaks! And I'm sorry for not introducing myself, that was quite rude. Byremeon Koschei, at your service." The demon said, bowing as he said his name, as if this was a completely friendly affair.

"What do you want with me?" The young girl asked, willing her voice to sound calmer.

"Well sweetheart, you're in the way of something I really want. Or actually, Yekaterina is, but removing you removes my problem." 

"Yekat...Katya? Also what do you mean by removing?" Trixie said in confusion and fear. 

"Ah, of course she'd use the old nickname here. Has she convinced you yet? Did you fall for all her little tricks and games? I'm sure you did.. pathetic little girl. You're pretty tho, I'll give you that. I'm sure she's taking full advantage of that pretty little body of yours, isn't she?" He said darkly, bending down to grab her chin.

She twisted her head, getting her face out of his grip. This seemed to amuse him, a deep chuckle escaping the man as he stood back up.

"I can see you've got some bite to you, I'm sure she enjoys that too. She's always loved a good challenge. Now, where were we? Ah yes, your removal. You see, sweetheart, Yekaterina is currently sitting on my throne, and the only way to remove her, is to get rid of you." The demon spoke as a matter-of-factly. 

Trixie was shaking, finally realizing how much danger she was in fact in. She looked around herself again, trying to consider her surroundings. She could of course try to run, but there was not much cover, and it seemed hopeless when faced with the immense power the male demon surely possessed.

"Please... don't hurt me." She begged, feeling ashamed for breaking down, but unable to hold in the tears. 

"Oh but you see, not hurting you doesn't help me in the slightest. I want something, you're in my way, I'll get rid of you. It's that simple, sweetheart. Now, attacking you does put me at risk, especially as so many are loyal towards your darling Katya. But luckily for me, all I need to do is start the job, and others will finish it for me. Did you enjoy that tea? It smelled like roses, didn't it?" 

The tea? 
What did the tea have to do with any of this?

"The blood from the Prince of Darkness did too. When you drank that tea, there was a drop of Yekaterina's blood in it, and her blood also contains the blood of our ancestor. Now, it just so happens that dark spirits and creatures really enjoy the smell and taste of that blood, it makes them stronger. Of course, they could never drink it from a demon. But from you? A pathetic, weak, little human? They'd rip you to shreds." Byremeon explained smugly as he stepped closer. "All I have to do... is make a little cut." He added, moving his arm in a whipping motion which caused the skin of her right thigh to split open all the way down to her knee.

Trixie yelled out in pain, blood pouring from the deep wound as she gripped her thigh in agony. Suddenly dark shadows started to appear in the distance, moving towards her swiftly. The young girl felt powerless, unable to walk or even stand up as clear danger neared her.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm gonna leave you with my friends instead." Byremeon said before vanishing into thin air.

As the shadows came nearer, the girl grew weaker. Trixie's cheeks were covered in tears from pain and fear as she realized that the end was near.
This was her final destination.
She mentally begged for Katya to come save her, desperately clinging to the hope of salvation as she fell backwards, loosing consciousness.  

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