Chapter 45: Where Dreams End

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It was dark and cold, a wall of what looked to be ice before her. She had been stripped down to her undergarments before she was locked up in the cell, a thin underdress the only thing left above her bra and panties to grant her any kind of protection from the cold.

How could this happen?

She had thought she was safe, she thought they were safe. When the door to her dressing had opened she had only thought it to be Sasha, but the reality was far more grim. Violet had been there waiting for her in the doorway.

"Well, hello again Trixie." The mischievous woman had said.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" Trixie had asked, the girl utterly terrified at the sight of the demon who had almost taken her away from Katya for forever.

"I thought you would be happy to see me, we were such good friends last I saw you. Has Katya spoken so harshly about me?" Violet said with feigned innocence.

"You tried to.. you almost.." The young girl said, her white dress seeming to drown her, her crown heavy on her head, and the room feeling small. "Katya!" She screamed, praying for someone to hear her.

"Shut up you stupid girl!" Violet said, running to the girl with fire in her eyes.

Trixie tried to push her away, clearly surprising the demon with her strength. What she had not expected however was for Violet to be able to grab hold of her. Only then did she realize that the sigil of Lilith was only a protection a demon could place upon a human, and that she herself was no longer human. Tears filled her eyes as Violet managed to place silver cuffs around her wrists due to Trixie's surprise at the woman being able to touch her at all, the metal digging into her skin as she pulled against them.

"KATYA! SASHA! HEEELP!" She yelled with everything she had.

"Shut up! You pathetic child!" Violet scolded before putting something in the girl's mouth.

It had a bitter taste, the demon having to force Trixie to swallow it as white foam started to pour out of the her mouth. It burned her throat as it made it's way down before she lost consciousness.

When she had awakened she had found herself surrounded by guards. They stripped her down in the most degrading way before they locked her away and chained her arms and legs. The chains made her feel weak, as if all energy was being drained from her.

Oh, how she wished to be wrapped up in the warmth of Katya's arms instead. How she wanted to be curled up in their bed, cozy and safe.

She had thought the nightmare to be over and so she had not been wary of her surroundings. After all, how could she have forseen that someone would so boldly attack her at her own wedding?

Was this their destiny?

To be ripped apart over and over again?

Her heart felt dark, their unending love which others could turn into a curse seeming to rip her apart from the inside. The worst part of it all was that all Trixie could do was to helplessly wait, send her longing with the rain and hope for Katya to find her.

She knew she could not die, so that was no concern. But what worse punishment is there than an eternal life away from the person you love?


There is none at all.

And yet, Trixie would rather feel the unending heartbreak for forever than to have never known true love. The pure beauty of being in love and being loved so truly was something she'd never give up, nor wish away even if it hurt her heart to remember.

If her destiny had lead to this cell being her never-ending prison, she would still treasure it as a happy ending. She was willing to get hurt just to remember Katya. She was willing to live inside her cage of eternal winter if it meant that the memories of their beautiful nights remained.

Still, she hoped someone would find her. Prayed that Katya would free her and that their nightmare would soon end.

"Katya.. please save me." She whispered weakly to herself, her voice shaking from the cold. Her words bounced off the wall of ice in front of her, but no response came.

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