Chapter 40: The Secret Key

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"Please... I love you."

As soon as the words were spoken, red glowing light filled the apartment streaming out of the pendant like the waves of an ocean. The pendant start to levitate and the room started melting away, red walls and wood moldings soon exchanged for dark stone covered with long red curtains. 

Trixie looked around confused as the world around her morphed into a familiar and yet unfamiliar room. She noticed two thrones on a podium, and a black river that suddenly started to change to a blood red color as the pendant pulsed out another wave of red light. Trixie only then fully recognized it as the hall she had been in when the pendant revealed the prophecy to her for the first time.

And finally she realised;
they were in the Realm of Darkness. 

The question was; why?

She had been too late, hadn't she?

Katya layed there limp in her lap, having fallen out of Trixie's hold as her body grew heavy. The shimmering light that had lived inside her had gone out, and the love of Trixie's life had gone away. A trembling star had fallen from the sky and taken Katya's soul with it.
In fact, Trixie felt as if all the stars in the sky had fallen. There was no light in Trixie's life without Katya, so the sky shouldn't get to shine either.

Trixie regretted then how little time they had gotten together. They were so close, and yet so far, simply because she had held back what she really felt.
How she regretted not treasuring their time together more. 

She thought back to what one of the books she and Katya had read together had said;

"Once, I read the page of the book you used to read aloud to myself. 
Once, I sat on the chair you used to sit on and closed my eyes in order to feel your warmth.
Once , I even caressed the rim of the cup you used to use with my fingertips."

Was that what life would be like now?

Would she read the books Katya had read to herself?

Would she sit on Katya's couch and close her eyes to feel the woman's warmth?

Would she caress the rim of a cup Katya had used with her fingertips?

Well, no, not if she remained where she currently was. Which again made Trixie wonder; 

Why were they brought there?

Just then, a final beam of red light filled the hall and a deep breath could be heard as Trixie felt something move in her lap. She looked down in shock, and smiled through her tears as she was met with bright ocean blue eyes. Katya sat up slowly, still feeling a little unsteady.

"Katya." Trixie said in a broken tone as tone as she flung her arms around the demon, hugging her tight.
"I love you, I love you... I love you so much." The young girl added as she sobbed into Katya's shoulder, thanking the universe for returning her love to her.

"I love you too, so much." Katya whispered, her voice rough as she waited for her strength to return.

"I thought I was too late.. I thought.. I thought you.." Trixie cried out.

"I know, but I'm okay. It will all be okay now." Katya promised as she calmed the girl by stroking her hair gently. 

Suddenly the doors to the hall opened and an older looking woman whom Trixie had never seen before entered, carrying two chalices. She silently went down to the blood red stream, inspected the water and filled the cups. 

"Madam Galina?" Katya asked confused as the pair pulled out of their hug. The demon took the younger girl's hand in hers tho, feeling a need to hold onto her as they had been ripped apart so many times.

"Is she a friend?" Trixie asked in a small voice, having not had the best experience with demons.

"Yes, she's who first saw the prophecies and also who helped me find you." The blue eyed woman explained.

"Good to see you alive, Kathinka. And good to see you freed, Trixie." Madam Galina said as she walked over with the two cups.

"Thank you. What is all this?" Katya asked.

"This is what will grant you your full strength, the prophecy calls for the ritual in order to be completed." Madam Galina explained.
"Here you go, dear." She said kindly to Trixie as she handed her a chalice before giving the other to Katya.

"Thank you." Trixie replied cutely as she took it, the old woman reminding her somewhat of a kind grandmother.

"Gather round, gather round, for the Eternal Ruler has come!" The old woman yelled out in a voice that rumbled through every hall and every corner of the Realm. Soon countless demons surrounded them, including a very relieved Sasha.

"The Prince of Darkness, Our Dark Creator, The Attacker of Light, gave his blood to a chosen few. His children ruled after him, living and dying as we waited for his true heir. And now she has come, our Eternal Ruler; High Priestess Yekaterina Petrovna. For the blood of Our Dark Creator runs thickly through her veins, and on her death bed she returned with a Woman who has granted her the gift of human love. A Woman who's love has saved her, and who's love will help her rule for all eternity. Together they turned the dark waters blood red after the red tide's passing, and with a drink from the river they shall be gifted eternal life and unparalleled strength. Please drink." Madam Galina said.

Katya and Trixie both lifted the cups to their lips and took a sip, the cold liquid tasting richer and sweeter than anything they had ever had to drink before. They could feel a strange sensation buzzing through them as their muscles strengthened, and Katya felt as a surge of power as her full potential was finally unlocked.

Their clothes morphed into long gowns, Katya's in deep red velvet and fitted with a split up to her thigh, Trixie's in royal blue silk and with a fuller skirt.
Trixie's hair grew longer and fuller, changing into a lighter golden color as her beauty bloomed even further. Katya looked at her in pure awe once the change was complete, having never imagined that the girl could become more beautiful.

Madam Galina made a golden crown with rubies and golden rose vines appear which she placed on Katya's head, and then she made a similar crown in silver with sapphires appear which she placed on Trixie's head. 

"All hail The High Priestess Yekaterina Petrovna and her bride Beatrice, Our Eternal Rulers! May the Fortune of the Darkness turn under their guidance!" Madam Galina said. 

"May the Fortune of Darkness turn!" The other demons chimed in.

Katya lead Trixie over to the two thrones and they both sat down with a smile as they felt themselves finally fall at ease in their rightful place.
Side by side.

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