Chapter 18: Roll The Dice

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As their lips met again Trixie felt her universe becoming clear. The knowledge of her destiny awakening her and setting free all the desires that she had tried to hide away. A fire grew inside her as pulled Katya closer and laid down on the couch, the other woman climbing on top of her. With the secret of her destiny revealed, she no longer felt the overwhelming sensation of Katya's touch to be strange, instead she welcomed the extremity of the feeling. 

The whisper that had called out for her to stay in Katya's arms had grown into a raging storm and yet she did not want to run away. She felt as if she had been born again like a phoenix, more resilient then ever before. Before, Trixie had felt trapped in a labyrinth of strange emotions, but now she felt free, and ready to let Katya take her to her paradise.

Katya was hovering above Trixie, greedily attacking her lips, pressing her body against the girl beneath her. Her hands gripped Trixie's hair, pulling it harshly to feel the girl impossibly closer. Trixie moaned at the action and Katya felt her inner nature take over once more, and so she pulled back.

"Are you sure about this? 'Cause if not, this is the time to stop." Katya warned.

"I'm sure. I want you. I wan't you so bad. Don't hold back." Trixie moaned out as her hips moved against Katya.

That flipped the switch inside Katya as she stopped fighting of the nature of her soul, instead setting it free after holding back for so long.

In less then a second they were transported into Katya's bedroom, Trixie pressed against the soft mattress with Katya on top of her. The demon ripped Trixie's dress open in one swift motion, her strong arms flexing at the action making Trixie's gaze fall to admire the strong muscles. 

"Fuck, you are so hot.." Katya said as she dragged her hands down Trixie's body, landing on the girl's thighs which she pulled apart harshly. She dug her nails into the soft flesh, making Trixie moan out in pain and pleasure.

Each small touch from Katya was intoxicating, and Trixie felt herself completely surrender to the other woman. Her body giving itself completely to the demon. The slightest touch made her whine and moan,  a simple word made her core drip, a simple kiss made her beg for more in desperation. When those hands were on her, she felt hypnotized. She was hooked on the devil's tail, completely at the demon's mercy. The Katya she had met in her dreams was nothing compared to this.

Trixie didn't know when her bra and panties had disappeared, only realizing it as Katya's hands went to her bare breasts. Her head fell back as the demon massaged her boobs, her tongue coming out like a snake to lick the sensitive nipple, making Trixie scream out in pleasure at the intensity. 

"A-ah Katya!" 

"Aaw, look at you... so desperate, aren't you? So needy... So sensitive..." Katya said before pinching Trixie's nipple harshly. 

"Oh fuck!" Trixie screamed out as she came, her thighs shaking and her juices spilling onto the sheets below them. She was panting harshly as her high passed, almost feeling as she couldn't breathe from the instensity of it. Her eyes widened as she realized what had just happened.

"Good job, baby. I didn't even have to touch you here." Katya said as she pressed against Trixie's clit, making the girl whine as she was now extremely sensitive.

Trixie felt as if her entire body was on fire, constantly on the edge of cumming from even the smallest action. Katya had barely touched her and yet she already felt completely fucked out.

"Please... please.." Trixie begged with tears in her eyes as Katya's fingers circled her clit painfully slowly.

"What do you want, кукла?" Katya asked with a devilish grin, the demon feeding off of sexual desperation.

"I.. please...I..." The young girl tried, but nothing coherent would come out. The brown eyed girl was already lost in a world of pleasure, trapped in Katya's net of lust.

"Tell me baby, I know you can, tell me what you want." The demon pried, wanting to hear the girl succumb to her own desire, needing to hear her beg for more.

"Please.. please, fuck me." Trixie begged, her eyes glossy and her body shaking.

"All you had to do was ask, детка."

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