Chapter 15: At The Slightest Touch

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Katya tried to let go, tried to pull away, tried desperately to control herself. She wanted to let herself drown in the feeling of Trixie's lips, but if she did, she knew her true nature would take over completely.

Trixie wasn't ready for that.
Whatever they were wasn't ready for that.

Still, pulling away was painful.
It meant fighting off every instinct she had, denying herself the pleasure of devouring the young girl and pulling her deep into the sea of desire. Pulling away from Trixie's lips felt like having starved for years, and yet refusing to eat. Like being locked up and tortured, but not wanting to be saved.

When they eventually split apart, it seemed as if a forcefield around them dissolved. A gust of wind seemed to spread like a shockwave from their bodies before silence fell, their heavy breathing being the only noises that filled the room.

"Wow.." Trixie spoke breathlessly. 

"Yeah..." Katya said in a similar tone, as she held onto a chair to hold herself back from pulling the young girl back into her arms, her knuckles turning white from her tight grip. 

Trixie looked fucked out from just the kiss, and it fueled Katya's desire further, made her want to see how the girl would look after she'd unleashed her full power on her. Thousands of images were flashing through the demon's mind, and it made staying away that much more challenging.
Images of Trixie panting beneath her, the girl's body twisted in the most wonderfully sinful positions, or her body tied up as Katya used it mercilessly. Images of the girl in Katya's realm, engaging in the most unspoken activities. Images of the angel on her knees, begging for Katya's touch, her lips, her attention.


She needed to stay in control.
She needed to make herself hold back.
Otherwise she could loose Trixie forever.

Trixie stepped closer to her again, leaning in slightly, and it killed Katya to have to hold her back. Using all the strength she had to resist, she took hold of the girl's shoulders and held her at a distance.

"We can't, Trixie." She whispered.

"Huh, why not? It was good wasn't it?" Trixie said in a clearly hurt tone that made Katya want to wrap her up protectively in her arms. 

"It was, it was really good, baby. But if we don't stop now, I won't be able to hold back." Katya admitted.

"Jesus, you're making it sound like you could kill me or something." Trixie said with a laugh.

"Technically, I could." Katya thought, even tho that was not her biggest concern. It was easy for a succubus to accidentally or intentionally kill their victims, but Trixie was her lover not her victim, so the likelihood of it happening was quite slim. 

Katya faked a laugh to ease the tension, figuring it worked well enough once she saw the young girl breathe out deeply as if she was holding her breath.

"I promise it will make sense in time. But for now, we can't go further, okay?" Katya told the girl. It killed her to say those words, but she knew that Trixie would grow terrified of her if they went further without the girl knowing what she was. 

Trixie had no idea what Katya's statement was supposed to mean, which quite often occurred when she was around Katya. But Trixie's soul trusted the woman endlessly, the kiss having created an invisible bond of loyalty towards Katya, and so she nodded and replied;


"Good." Katya breathed out in relief.

"So..." Trixie said awkwardly.

"So..?" Katya said back with a smile.

"Do you like... want me to leave?" Trixie said with a cute pout, the innocence of a child in her eyes as she asked the question.

"No, silly. Of course I don't want you to leave." Katya said with a warm chuckle before wrapping Trixie up in a hug. "You're cute, you know that?" She added as she rocked them back and forth sweetly.

"No, I'm not..." Trixie said, her shyness returning. Katya pulled back from the hug simply to see the blush that was she knew would be coating the girl's cheeks.

"Yes, you are." Katya said, taking the girl's hand and leading her to sit down on the couch. "Wait here and I'll get the pizza." She added before leaving for the kitchen.

Katya quickly made two heated pizzas appear, making sure that one was vegetarian, before walking back into the living room. She felt her smile widen as she saw Trixie sitting there, innocently playing with things Katya had left on her coffee table.

Katya put the pizzas down before noticing a familiar glowing necklace in Trixie's hands, making panic rise within her.

"Katya, what's this?" Trixie asked.

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