Chapter 47: Melting Under Blue Light

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Trixie could hear footsteps coming, barely managing to lift her head to listen due to exhaustion. She was cold, colder than she had ever been in her entire life. Her entire body felt as if it had turned to ice. Her bare feet had turned numb, the thin underdress doing nothing to protect her from the freezing cell.

She could hear voices, she thought, or maybe she was just imagining things.


No, it could not be her.

Suddenly the ice wall started to melt, the barrier coming down as warm air started to stream into the small cell. And there on the other side she could see two women, one whom she did not know, and one all too familiar.

"Oh my god... Don't worry, Trixie, we're gonna get you out." Red lips spoke to her.

"K-katya?" She asked weakly, almost believing herself to be hallucinating.

"Yeah, it's me, кукла." Katya said as she stepped into the cell, a tear falling down her cheek as she viewed the fragile state Trixie was in.
"What have they done to you?" The demon added, more to herself than anyone else as she caressed the girl's cheek.

"Katya, please step back a little so I can free her." The unfamiliar woman spoke.

"Of course. It's going to be okay, Trixie. Everything will be allright." Katya promised with a kiss to the chained girl's cheek before she stepped away so the Goddess could free her.

"Hello Beatrice, my name is Aurelia. Could you please lift your head up for me? I do not want to risk any harm to come upon you." Aurelia spoke.

Trixie followed instructions, lifting her head up as the Goddess started to work on her shackles. They were thick and required more power than Aurelia had ever used. If she was the one who had put them on then their removal would have been easy. Still, she knew that she was their only hope as a demon had no chance of removing them, and so she concentrated all her power on each one until all of them had finally fallen to the ground.

The Goddess sat down in exhaustion, and at the very same moment Trixie almost fell forward, no longer being held up by the chains. But Katya caught her in a swift move, lifting her up bridal style.

"I-I feel so we-weak... I was so scared.. I.."

"I know, Trixie, I know. I promise, it's over, for real this time. No one will ever hurt you again. I swear it." Katya told her before placing a soft kiss on the girl's forehead.

"Are you allright, Aurelia?" The demon asked as the Goddess began to stand up.

"Yes, it was more difficult than expected, but I will be fine. How is the Realm of Light?" Auralia said.

"Not a pretty sight, I am afraid." Katya replied, feeling a little guilty about the bloodbath she had left.

"It is to be expected.... even so, it will be difficult to see." The Goddess said, sorrow clouding her tone.

"I am sorry, Aurelia. I should have shown more mercy for your sake."

"No, you did what you needed to. They had their warnings, they just refused to listen. I hope I can rebuild a realm that can live along side yours in harmony." Auralia spoke, as always remaining kindhearted and forgiving.

"I hope so too. Let this be a new beginning for all of us." Katya replied.

"Truly. I shall see you soon, Yekaterina. Now, take her somewhere warm, she must be freezing."

"Goodbye for now, Aurelia." The High Priestess said before transporting herself and the shivering girl in her arms away from Jeboulin, leaving the horrors of the last couple of days behind.

The nightmare was finally over, Trixie was back in her arms, fragile but alive and safe. Exhaustion had caused the angel to fall asleep, so Katya carefully layed her down on their bed. She took off her damaged  and grimy undress and exchanged it for a warm nightgown with a robe on top. On the girl's feet she put large, warm socks, before she wrapped Trixie up in warm blankets.

"Rest well, my angel. I love you." Katya said with a soft goodnight kiss to the girl's forehead. She sat down on a chair next to the bed, holding Trixie's hand in her own, not daring to let the girl out of her sight again.

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