Chapter 21: Stay By My Side

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"No, but could you really transport us anywhere? Like anywhere, anywhere?" Trixie asked excitedly as they walked hand in hand from the library.

It had been a little over a week since she had learned Katya's secret, and the young girl had now started taking a growing interest in how much power the demon in fact had.

"Yes, how many times do I have to tell you?" Katya said with a laugh.

"Well, it just seems like an awful lot of power." The brown eyed girl responded.

"Well, I'm an awfully powerful demon." 

"So if I said I wanted to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, could you make that happen?" Trixie asked, and in the very same moment the world around her changed, a magnificent view coming to life. 

"Does that answer your question?" Katya replied smugly, but the young girl was too distracted by the beautiful view to answer her.

The High Priestess smiled at the child-like joy that had taken over the girl's face. Trixie never failed to make her heart pound. Every tiny gesture, a few words, anything really, made Katya unable to hold back her smile. The girl had quickly become her entire world. Katya was the one with supernatural powers, and yet the demon felt like Trixie was the one who had her under a magic spell. All she could wish for was that Trixie would stay by her side for forever. 

The more time Katya spent with the young girl, the more she became certain that she was falling in love with the girl. She felt like a teenager having her first crush, completely entranced by every little thing the girl did. Her heart was on a constant roller coaster, shouting out with glee at every exciting turn. 

They'd fallen into habits, their lives quickly becoming intertwined. Katya would always meet Trixie when she finished work, they'd stop somewhere to eat dinner, and then they'd walk home together. Like little kids, they'd make up excuses for why it was to early to separate once they reached Katya's apartment, which usually lead them to spend at least an hour more together. 

"This is beautiful..." Trixie said as she looked out at the starry night sky.

"It truly is..." Katya replied, her eyes locked on the other girl, her beauty more radiant than anything in the world. 

Trixie yawned cutely, the day's excitement taking it's toll. Katya walked over to her, and took the girl's hand in hers.

"Let's go home, baby." She said softly, earning a shy smile and a nod from Trixie. 

In a flash they were back on the dark street, the fantastic view exchanged for tall buildings and streetlights. Katya thought it looked to dull, and so she made their path back home appear bright pink.

"Oh my god, it's like a pink carpet!" Trixie said, her entire face lighting up with joy. 

The girl let go of Katya's hand and started excitedly skipping and dancing down the street, making the older woman laugh and gaze at her warmly. It wasn't until Katya noticed a familiar figure in the shadows that her smile fell. 

A second.

She'd let her guard down for a second. 

But a second was all it took for him to make his move.

Trixie was thrown into the busy street by what appeared to be a gust of wind, but Katya knew better. A large truck was moving straight towards the terrified human girl as a demon with a large sickening grin vanished from the scene, clearly thinking his work was done.

The brown eyed girl couldn't move, all she could see were bright yellow lights moving towards her, and all she could hear was a horn honking as the driver desperately tried to stop the moving truck. She closed her eyes in fear, expecting the pain to hit her soon, but instead she felt warn arms wrap around her.

"K-Katya?" She asked in a shaking voice. 

"You're okay, thank god... You're okay, кукла... You're okay." Katya said in clear worry, short of breath and holding Trixie too her as if to truly feel that she was safe. 

Katya had managed to reach Trixie just in time and transport them both back to her tattoo studio. But what frightened Katya was that this was no mere accident, this was a clear attack by a demon.

The High Priestess had known that there were people after her, but she hadn't realized until then that the best way to hurt her was in fact to go after Trixie. That fact was something Katya hated. That innocent, beautiful girl should never be attacked because of her. Trixie should never be used as a pawn in someone else's game. But unfortunately, that was exactly what was happening. 

Trixie broke down in tears as the initial shock passed, the girl leaning further into Katya as if the demon was her protective shield. Katya rubbed her back to calm her down, and kissed the top of her head, as she hoped she'd never have to see her angel so broken ever again. 

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