Chapter 44: A Tangled Fate

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The hall was decorated with red roses, an archway of the flowers right in front of the two thrones. All around were demons who eagerly awaited the start of the ceremony, whilst Katya herself stood at the front of the room dressed in a black gown, her crown securely placed on top of her head.

"I am proud of you, Yekaterina. You are lucky, you know, not only have you been given the gift of love, but destiny sent you her. She truly is special." Madam Galina told her.

The old woman would join them in marriage as she was the most respected in the realm outside of the High Priestess herself. Katya enjoyed the idea alot as it felt as if she was being given to her love by a family member. Marriage was an uncommon affair in the Realm of Darkness, and the marriage of a ruler unheard of, and so even demons who would commonly stay in the human realm had returned home to attend the event.

"I know she is. Fate truly smiled upon me by sending such an angel my way." Katya said.

"And now she shall become an Angel of Darkness." The old demon joked, making Katya laugh a little and smile warmly.

Katya's hand went to hold the pendant that hung around her neck. How strange it was to think about what would have happened if Trixie's curiosity had not made her put it on that day in Katya's apartment.

Would she be gone now if not for that the girl's curiosity?

What would her life have been?

How had she even lived without her beautiful angel before?

How had she lived without knowing love?

Now love would join their hearts together for all eternity, and Katya would never be alone again. Loneliness was an odd sort of emotion, Katya thought. For so long it was an emotion she had not felt, but now even a second without Trixie made the demon feel as if her very soul was ripped away.

"Ah, a love as pure as hers, Kathinka, a love as pure as hers is what most humans spend their entire life searching for." Madam Galina told her with a kind smile.

"I still do not know if I deserve her love." Katya said honestly.

"The fact that you ask yourself that question, is the very reason that you do." The old woman told her.

Soon a bright fanfare rang through the hall, a noise Katya felt sounded as the cheerful restart to her existence, the start of her life with Trixie. The demons stepped to the side, opening up a path for the bride. However when someone finally emerged it was not Katya's angel in a white dress, but instead a panicked demon dressed in bright red.

"She's gone." Sasha yelled out, her eyes wide and desperate.

"What?" Katya asked, fear filling her.

"Beatrice, she's missing."

Katya felt her heart drop to the floor. She finally thought it was over, after everything they had been through, she thought they were safe, but now Trixie was gone. Her oasis in the desert, the line who connected her dots, the star in her night sky, gone. Missing.

"How? No... it can't be.. How can this be?" Katya said, tears in her eyes as she shook her head.

"Calm down, Kathinka. You must remain calm." Madam Galina told her.

"How can I?" The blue eyed woman asked, feeling more vulnerable then she ever had.

"You must, even if it is difficult, for the sake of Beatrice." The old demon said.

Katya took a deep breath, willing herself to be calm before she turned her attention to the demons in attendance.

"Does anyone know where could be? Has anyone seen her within the last hour?" Katya asked, perfectly slipping into her role as a leader.

In the same moment a bright white light filled the room and out from a cloud of smoke a young woman with golden hair and bright green eyes appeared.

"I know where she is." The woman spoke.

"Aurelia?" Katya said in surprise. Why was a council member in the Realm of Darkness?

"It has been a while, Yekaterina. I am sure you are worried and surprised, but please let me explain. The council... they have broken our rules. I know you are aware of this and their alliance with Violet, but she recently visited the Realm of Light and she... she suggested the most awful thing. The others went along with it, even my sister, but I.. I can not. The guilt of this has been eating me up inside and I can not sit back and let them trap an innocent soul." Aurelia spoke honestly.

"I do not know what to say... I would never have expected you to help me. Thank you." Katya replied.

"We have lived too divided for too long. I fear what helping might mean for the future, but I do not believe trapping that girl to be the answer. They are taking her to Jeboulin, go find her." The Goddess spoke.

"Thank you. Sincerely, thank you Aurelia."

Katya spoke before she vanished from the room, the cells of Jeboulin calling her name. She would find Trixie. She would search for forever if she had to. She would burn the Realm of Light to the ground. She would do anything to have Trixie by her side again.

There were Gods who would have hell to pay for this. Their foolish would not go unpunished. Katya's wrath would find them all. Well, all expect the one repenting Goddess who had not forgotten their laws.

This was what the second prophecy had fortold, Katya realized. And just like Madam Galina had predicted, they had brought their damnation upon themselves.

For when the true heir of the Prince of Darkness sits on the throne, she will lead the second attack on the Realm of Light. And as the world's light stops glowing, she will rise from the ashes. For She is the bringer of Darkness, the Eternal Ruler of the Damned, the devourer of Light.

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