Chapter 4: Like No Other

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"Why didn't it work?" Katya mumbled to herself as she returned to her own world.

"Why didn't what work?" Sasha asked.

"Hypnosis... I couldn't make her consent... She had to consent willingly." She replied as she sat down on her throne.

A succubus uses seduction, but they also heavily rely on their ability to manipulate emotions and control the minds of their victims. This control was commonly easier to use when the victim was asleep, as they would often give in due to it in their mind "not being real".

"Well, it makes sense, don't you think?" Sasha said.


"She has to fall in love genuinely. It makes sense that none of your tricks would work as they may corrupt her mind. It also explains in part why no one has succeeded." Sasha told her.

"I suppose that does make sense... It certainly does complicate things." Katya responded.

"Well, no one said it would be easy, Yekaterina."

"Thank you for that incredible wisdom, Sasha, I had no idea." Katya said sarcastically.

"No need to get snarky, Kathinka." Sasha responded.

It was rarely that Sasha called her anything but her full name, but she would on occasion when she thought Katya was acting childish, usually exchanging Yekaterina for Kathinka. The demon had stopped calling her Katya years ago tho, as had everyone else once Katya came into power, but the High Priestess still used the nickname when visiting the human realm.

"So, what was she like?" Sasha enquired.

"Beautiful... The most beautiful... She's more attractive then anyone I've ever seen." Katya replied as she remembered Trixie's delicate unmarked skin, and her long blonde voluminous hair. She closed her eyes and thought of the girl's soft pink lips, rosy cheeks, and honey brown eyes, her large breasts, her slim waist and her wide hips.

The woman was nothing short of perfection. She was everything Katya could ever imagine a perfect partner to look like. Maybe that was also why Trixie not falling under her control, like others did, irked her so much, but also excited her more then she would ever admit.

"The most beautiful human you mean." Sasha corrected.

"No, the most beautiful anything. She beats every spirit, succubus, incubus, angel, or deity. There is no Goddess who could even compare to her beauty."

"Wow, I've never heard you describe anyone that way. I can't wait to see you desperately chase her." Sasha teased with a dark smirk on her lips.

"Fuck off, I'm not chasing anyone. All she needs is some convincing." Katya replied confidently.

"Ah yes, and I'm sure she's just gonna jump into your arms when you explain what you are. People barely believe in us these days Kathinka, it's not like it once was. And even if they did, demons have rarely been viewed in a positive light."

"Are you doubting me?" Katya challenged, anger burning like fire in her eyes.

"No, of course not. I'm just saying it may not go the way you imagine it, Yekaterina." Sasha replied in a slightly panicked tone, knowing far too well that Katya's wrath was not something anyone wanted upon them, and she was her ruler afterall. They may be close, but that did not change the fact that the High Priestess was above Sasha in station.

"I can handle it. I will bring her back here, and we will rule forever. I know I am who the prophecy describes." Katya said confidently, but somehow she seemed to be trying to convince herself more than Sasha.

"I hope so, I can't take the idea of Byremeon sitting on that throne. But there are many who would love to see you gone, Yekaterina. Remember that." Sasha spoke honestly.

"I will. I promise I do not take this task lightly. And I also realise the danger we'll both be in until she accepts her fate."

"Good, naivity will be your downfall. You should prepare to leave soon, you'll need to stay there for a while if you wish to build a genuine connection with her." The advisor said.

"You're right, there is much to prepare. But luckily Jinkx already put up the shop for me. Please look after everything in my absence." Katya replied.

"Of course, I will keep everything running and judge the pitiful souls while you're away." Sasha promised.


And so Katya's journey in the human realm would begin. A journey that she needed to finish before the dark waters returned.

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