Chapter 42: A Blue Flower Burning

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"This place isn't what I expected hell to be like." Trixie said as they entered Katya's room.

"What did you expect?" The demon asked.

"I don't know, people with horns and caves of fire?" The girl replied.

"Well, we do have caves of fire, it's just not everywhere. Also some of the demons here could grow horns, but they're really inconvenient, they get caught on everything." Katya said making the young girl laugh.

"Is it wrong to say that I'd like to see someone with their horn stuck?" Trixie said with a giggle. 

"Nah, it's quite entertaining." The other woman said before pulling young girl close. "You're extremely beautiful... I had to stop myself from just staring at you all day long." She added as she kissed down Trixie's neck.

As Trixie released soft little moans, the mood in the room shifted, a thick fog of tension filling the air around them. Katya's hands gripped the girl's ass, and Trixie jumped up so the demon could lift her and carry her to the large bed. 

Clothes flew across the room as their bare skin met between soft sheets and blankets. Bruising kisses colored their skin as they devoured each other fully. A possessiveness fueled both women along with the deep warmth of love that hung in the air as they pulled each other as close as possible. 

Trixie pushed Katya down on the bed, loving her newfound strength. She kneaded Katya's breasts as her tongue danced in the demon's mouth and she rocked her hips back and forth greedily against the blue eyed woman's strong thigh. There was an unspoken agreement of newfound trust, they knew the depth of each other's love and so their unshakable trust was there like an invisible thread between them. 

As silent music played their bodies moved together in a rhythmic dance. Their eyes burned with a lustful fire as Katya's claws came out and dragged desperately down the angel's back. Trixie screamed in pain and pleasure as her skin felt as if it would rip but didn't, the change that the river's water had brought becoming noticeable. 

Trapped in the deep wilderness of desire they used each other without hesitation. Katya soon flipped them like the rough waves of a dark ocean. Her eyes were almost black from lust as she tied her lover to the bed like she had once before. Ropes moving across smooth skin and tying themselves tightly, the pain of the restrictions increasing the excitement. 

The demon sat across the angel's face, the girl's tongue coming out to lap at her folds which made Katya moan in pleasure as she let her claws flick across the girl's sensitive nipples, enjoying the way the doll's body moved in small spasms from the action.
Katya felt like a lion who had ascended the throne, power flowing through her deliciously as she for the first time didn't hold back at all, knowing that Trixie was finally strong enough to take it. She rode the girl's' tongue greedily, not worried about harming the angel as she knew that she wouldn't be able to. She could finally love Trixie with her entire soul.

"Oh fuck, Trixie!" Katya yelled out as she came, gripping the girl's thick thighs painfully hard as she rocked her hips back and forth and rode out her high.

"Kiss me, my angel." She whispered when she had climbed off of the girl's face. Trixie attempted to lean up to kiss the demon, but her restrictions kept her away which made the girl whine. With a look of determination she pulled at the ropes with all the strength she had, and they ripped out of the wall and disappeared.

"Fuck that's hot.." Katya said in surprise and admiration before the doll wrapped her arms around her neck and pulled her in for a hungry kiss. 

"Look how strong my babygirl got." The demon said both proudly and seductively as she sucked at the skin just beneath Trixie's earlobe. 

"I guess I did get strong, huh?" Trixie replied with a cute giggle, feeling oddly proud as she looked at her freed wrists. There were still deep red marks from the ropes, but Katya lifted them and kissed them both and soon the marks were gone. 

"Mhm, my strong lioness." Katya said as she lifted the doll into her lap, hugging her close and enjoying the serenity of their new life together. "I love you."

"I love you too, Katya." Trixie said as she cuddled closer to the demon.

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