Chapter 17: Hell In Heaven

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The pendant resisted as Katya tried to remove the necklace from Trixie's neck. It burned her skin as she touched it, but eventually she managed to get it off. Trixie's eyes opened suddenly as she was pulled back to reality, but Katya knew it was already too late.
There was no explaining this. 
The only thing she could do was tell the truth and hope it wouldn't ruin them completely.

"What the fuck just happened?" She heard Trixie mumble.

"Well.. ehm.. you see..." Katya tried, but the fear of loosing the girl was taking over, making her unable to speak.

"Katya, please tell me there's a logical explanation for whatever that was because that sure as hell looked like some creepy witchcraft thing to me." Trixie said as she sat up, holding her pounding head. Katya took a deep breath as she sat down next to the girl.

"It's not witchcraft.. but there's not really a logical explanation either.. at least not for you..." Katya began.

"Okay.... so that.. whatever that was.. that was real?" The brown eyed girl asked, starting to sound scared.

"Well, yes and no... What you saw was like a dream kind of... you were more in a picture of a place then in the actual place... I don't know if that makes sense... The pendant brought you there so you would hear the prophecy and touch the water of the river, which judging from the look on your face... I'm guessing you did." 

"Yeah, I did. Those images, some of them were my memories from growing up, and I know that's real. But then I also saw images of you and of us and.... is that real?" Trixie asked, her voice shaking.

"Trixie, please breathe." Katya said, leaning forward to place a calming hand on Trixie's shoulder, but the girl pulled away.

"Don't touch me." She said strictly, making Katya's heart sink. "Is what I saw real?" Trixie pressed.

"Yes.. partly... What it showed you about us can happen in the future, but that all depends on you and your decisions. But whatever it showed you about me, those would have been my memories..." Katya admitted, hating the look of disgust that clouded Trixie's features.

"You killed people... You tormented their minds until they went insane... You entered my dreams... Do you have any idea how creepy that is? I thought I was going crazy for having those dreams. I've hated myself for having them because I thought you were straight, and I've also never had friends so I was terrified to fuck up our friendship. But meanwhile it's all been you fulfilling your needs all along, taking advantage of your fucking witch powers of whatever. You've been acting sweet and protective and caring, but you're really a creepy psychopath." The brown eyed girl ranted.

"Listen, it's not what you think, okay? Firstly I've never killed or tormented anyone who hadn't ruined the lives of others first. It's my job to judge, it's my job to punish. It's not a task I take lightly. Secondly, yes I realize I took advantage of the situation, but I also couldn't manipulate you at all. I could enter your dreams and change them slightly, but that was it. With anyone else I'd be able to make them do what I wanted, but that wasn't the case with you. I needed your genuine consent. That's what all this is about. You heard what the prophecy said right? No one but the Eternal Ruler will survive, and she'll survive with a woman beside her. If I want any chance at even living, I need you to genuinely love me, so any mind tricks are off the table." The demon told the girl.

"Oh..." Trixie replied, feeling slightly embarrassed by the fact that everything she'd done in those dreams was really her own actions and choices.
"Wait, so that prophecy is about you? Also what does that have to do with me? And also what exactly are you?" She asked, her tone calmer now. 

"It might be about me, it's hard to know... I'm a demon, Trixie. A succubus actually. The Prince of Darkness is I guess.. the first devil? He created the Realm of Darkness which I am now the ruler of. What's special about me is that he gave me more of his blood, and therefor many predict that I am who the prophecy speaks of. You... you're kind of destined to fall in love with me... that is, if I am the Eternal Ruler..." Katya explained.

A demon.

Katya was a demon.
Katya was a succubus.

Somehow that made a lot of sense to Trixie. It almost felt as if she already knew. It at least explained the literary works Katya had picked, the painting in her living room, and the glossy look in her eyes when Trixie sympathized with the succubus in the short story.

Trixie was destined to fall in love with her.

Well... based on the prophecy she'd heard, that also made sense.
All her life she'd wondered why nothing in her life worked out. Now she knew that her cursed life was no mere coincidence, but instead a punishment for her ancestors and a price to pay for the gift of eternal life should Katya turn out to be the Eternal Ruler. 

Katya ruled the Realm of Darkness which was previously ruled by the devil.

"You're the ruler of Hell?" Trixie asked in shock. 

"Really, that's the thing you're focused on? Not; you're a demon? Or; we're destined to fall in love?" Katya replied, looking at the girl as if she was crazy.

"Yes, all the other stuff weirdly makes sense to me... I... It's hard to explain.. But really, you're the ruler of Hell!?" 

"Well... uhm, yeah... We don't really call it that, but yeah.." Katya said softly.

"I can't believe I'm sitting in the living room of the ruler of Hell. God, I wish I'd met you when kids were mean to me at school." Trixie joked, making the other woman breathe lighter. 

"How are you so calm?" Katya questioned.

"I.. I don't know. It's still a lot to process, don't get me wrong... I've literally always believed in nothing supernatural at all, so it's a lot. But when we kissed, I felt this bond... like a connection that just makes me trust you... Also, I've lost everyone who mattered to me. I've been shut out by everyone all my life. I've been told again and again that I'm worthless and that no one loves me. So... it kinda feels nice, you know? To know that there's a reason behind it all... and to know that someone will love me in the future." Trixie replied, and Katya just stared at her in awe, completely amazed by the woman.

"I really hated breaking that kiss... But I was scared of loosing control.. scared you'd find out what I was, and scared I'd loose you forever because of it.. But that didn't really work out, you found out anyways..." The blue eyed girl said.

"Yeah.. I did... So now you have no reason not to kiss me anymore." Trixie told her before leaning in and connecting their lips once again. 

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