Chapter 5: Everything Comes and Goes

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"What a wierd dream." Trixie said to herself as she streched her arms and yawned. 

The morning sun was gleaming in through her window, not a cloud in sight as the bright blue sky welcomed her. As she gazed at the sky, the memory of bright blue eyes flashed before her. Those blue eyes, so beautiful, so full of secrets, and of course, not real. It was only a dream after all. Trixie knew that, but her mind still kept playing tricks on her as she almost felt as if those nimble hands were touching her and those red lips were kissing her pale skin.

She looked down at her wrist and gasped as she saw a red mark.
That couldn't be...

Had she worn red lipstick yesterday? She never did, but still, she must have right? She'd been with no one. No one had touched her outside of her dream. So how could she have a red lipstick mark on her wrist?

No, she must have just grabbed the wrong shade the day before.
Yeah, that was it.
It had to be.

But what if she hadn't?
What would she do then?

Trixie's day went by as usual. She got dressed in a short checkered yellow dress and white 60s boots, went to work at the local library which was close to the museum, and spent another day almost entirely alone.

You see, even tho the 24 year old girl seemed happy and bright on the outside, she had lived a life of tragedy. Trixie's dad had left her mom before she was born, and her mom had passed away in a car accident when Trixie was only 8.

She'd been passed from foster family to foster family, and never stayed in one place for more then 6 months. Kids at her school started saying she was cursed and later on they just ignored her all together.

But Trixie never let it get her down. She worked her hardest, was as kind as she could be, and did her best to create a life for herself.

Eventually she was nice and helpful to the right person, an older librarian who asked her to apply for a position as he himself was getting too old to climb the tall ladders and lift the heavy stacks of books.

Still, it was a lonely life.
No true friends other than and elderly librarian. No family. No romantic relationships.

Just her.
All by herself.

Sometimes Trixie found herself wondering why life had dealt her such a bad hand. Why was it she could never gain any real connections?
Why did no one care about her?
Why did no one want to know her?
Why did misfortune seem to follow her?

And then other thoughts would come too. Darker thoughts would cloud her mind and make her wonder;

Would anyone even notice if I disappeared?
Will anyone mourn me when I die?

But she tried her best to not linger on such thoughts, tried to focus on the positives of her life. And when it got too hard, she'd pick up a book and disappear into another world.

In between lines and chapters she'd be transported to a better life.
A life where someone cared about her.
A life where someone greeted her when she came home.
A life where someone missed her when she was gone.

Trixie gathered her things and wandered the dark streets back towards her small appartment. The bright sky had turned into a dark royal blue, and the sun had been replaced by shimmering moonlight and twinkeling stars.

As she continued on her path, she noticed the teashop once more.
How had she missed it so many times whilst walking by?

She considered stopping by it for a moment, but she then noticed that all lights were off. Next door at the tattoo parlour however, the lights glowed warmly.

She walked closer, for some reason feeling drawn towards the shop. Her head in the clouds as she stumbled into someone, their hot coffee spilling all over her making Trixie scream in both surprise and pain.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Trixie said. She was not sure if it was her mistake or not, but apologizing had become somewhat of a habit for her at that point of her life.

"No, it was all my fault. My mind was somewhere else entirely." A female voice said.

Trixie lifted her head and gasped as she saw the woman's face. There staring back at her with a worried look were the same bright blue eyes that she had seen in her dreams. To her further surprise, the other woman gasped as she looked at Trixie. Almost seeming as if she reckognized someone she knew.

But of course, that would be ridiculous.
Because no one knew Trixie.

"Please come inside my shop, it's just over there. We can get you dried off and you can even get a change of clothes if you want. We can also get some burn gel on your arm, that looks pretty painful." The woman said.

Trixie looked down at her arm and saw a red burn that seemed far too severe to be hot coffee, but she had no other logical explanation for it, so she accepted that she must have gotten more hurt then she thought.

"Oh.. ehm, you don't have to." She said shyly. Feeling odd about entering a strangers shop so late, and nervous around the woman as she looked so similar to the girl from Trixie's dream.

"I insist. Please let me help make it better." The woman said, taking Trixie's hand in hers.

Trixie didn't know why, but somehow, something in those blue eyes made her trust the other girl. And so with a simple nod, she followed the woman inside the small tattoo parlour.

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