Chapter 34: The Art Of Deception

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"Do not be afraid; for see, I am only here to help you, Trixie. You are in grave danger, my child."

"Help me? Help me with what? Who even are you?" Trixie asked, feeling braver than usual. 

"My name is Ezerishin, this is Violet." The man said, gesturing towards the woman behind him. "I am a member of the Holy Council of the Gods, and I am here because I believe you have come in contact with a demon." He added.

The Holy Council of the Gods? 

That sounded like a big deal. Even tho Trixie had never been religious, she did know that according to history the Gods were usually the good guys.
So she could trust them right?

"Well... yeah, I have." She replied, stepping back from the door. 

"Please come in." The young girl added, completely trusting of the God.
Of course, Gods also usually had that effect on humans. The Gods had created their world and so humans naturally trusted the divine beings. The pair sat down on Trixie's couch whilst Trixie sat in a large chair nearby.

"Thank you. I am hesitant to tell you this, but I hope you will do what's right after you have been informed." Ezerishin said.

"Informed of what exactly?" The girl enquired.

"The demon you have been in contact with, she is deceiving you. Yekaterina has shown you the prophecy, correct?" The man said. 

"Yeah, the one that says we're meant to fall in love and rule the Realm of Darkness, right?" Trixie asked, to which the man nodded.

"Yes, but the thing is Trixie, she is not meant to fall in love with you. The prophecy only requires the human to fall in love, whilst the demon is free to do as they please. Demons... they can't fall in love. They have their destined partner but they are not loyal to them, nor do they actually care about them. I know she has made this all seem like some fairy tale, but the truth is if you go with her, you will be trapped in an unhappy life for forever. Being the destined partner of a demon ruler is no gift, it is a punishment. A punishment placed upon your household due to grave crimes committed by your ancestors. We have therefor always tried to save the humans from the claws of the prophecy. Your life with her, it is all a cruel trick to make her ascend the throne. She is a succubus, she is born to manipulate emotions and play with people's feelings. It is her nature. But she does not truly care for you, she can not, it is impossible for her kind." Ezerishin told her with a sorrowful expression.

"No... that can't be true... she's protected me, she's saved me, she.." 

"She saved and protected you because she needs you in order to fulfill the prophecy. She needs you so that she can have enough power and live long enough to make the second half of the prophecy come true, the part which I am certain she did not tell you about." He said, placing an old scroll on the table for Trixie to read. 

When the true heir of the Prince of Darkness sits on the throne, she will lead the second attack on the Realm of Light. And as the world's light stops glowing, she will rise from the ashes. For She is the bringer of Darkness, the Eternal Ruler of the Damned, the devourer of Light. 

"So you see, she will bring the destruction of the world as we know it. This prophecy is too dangerous, Trixie, and even she knows it. Why else would she have kept it from you?" The man told her.

Trixie had no words, feeling as if her entire world had come crashing down.
Had she just been naive?
Too wrapped up in a fairy tale like story  of love and destiny to see through the holes of Katya's tale?
Suddenly she felt like the lost little girl she had been for all her years of growing up, weak and insecure, desperate for someone to tell her that she was loved. 

"I know it is a lot to take in, but please Trixie, choose do the right thing. Violet can hide your soul away in storybook. You would be safe and cared for, and you would only have to hide until the red tide passes. You have seen the pendant, the time is already running out. It would only be for a short while and then you would be free of your fate for forever. You could live a happy life, find someone who will actually care for you, someone who can love you." Ezerishin told her in an earnest tone.

Trixie felt a tear roll down her cheek.
Katya didn't love her.
Katya couldn't love her.
Katya had played with her.
And if Trixie stayed with Katya, she would help the demon destroy the world. 

"I'll be safe?" Trixie asked, her voice sounding like a hurt child.

"I promise. If you come with me, I will read you a nice story and you can travel into a true fairy tale." The woman spoke. She sounded surprisingly warm, somewhat similar to a kind kindergarten teacher. "You like books, don't you Trixie?" She added.

"Ehm, yeah... I do." The young girl said softly. 

She felt so small all of a sudden, and when the woman stood up and reached out a hand, the young girl took it before her mind could even think about it. A second later the world around her disappeared, and she was brought to the familiar shelves of the library instead. Violet was still holding her hand and guided her through a door in the shelves, whilst the male God was nowhere to be found.

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