Chapter 37: Keep On Looking

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"Violet!" Katya yelled as she entered the library, knowing the demon was hiding there somewhere. 

"VIOLET!" She yelled louder and suddenly she heard a faint laugh from behind a shelf near the wall. 

She formed a ball of fire in her hands, letting her anger fuel her as she threw it against the bookshelf, burning a hole straight through it. It revealed a hidden room created by the other demon, filled with glowing storybooks.

Katya felt sorrow fill her as she heard the voices of trapped children calling out, helpless young voices were crying out for aid. The books that glowed the most were the most recently captured and those children would still be tricked by the mirage the demon had created. But the children in the books that glowed the least, their illusion was over, and they would cry out as they felt the last bit of energy they had get drained. 

"Ah Yekaterina, what a lovely surprise. How long has it been, 200 years?" Violet greeted her witha sickening smile.

"Cut the performative bullshit, Violet. Where is her book? Also, I thought the council freed all your children." Katya responded harshly. Violet stood up then, walking over in confident strides as she swayed her hips from side to side.

"Oh come on Katya, you used to be fun. And you know, what the council doesn't know won't hurt them." The woman said with a suggestive gaze. 

"Yeah, well I'm done playing. I know you took her, you child-eating monster." 

"I do not eat them! They give their energy to me as a gift of thanks! I save them!" Violet argued, remaining just as delusional as Katya had remembered her. 

"You do not save them, you trap them in an illusion. Now, the council chose to free you which is fucking insane, but whatever, all I need to know is which book she is in. So let's try this again, where is she, Violet?" Katya replied, raising her voice in anger, her eyes shining with rage.

"She is somewhere safe, she's happy."

Katya lifted her hand, where her nails had grown to claws, and scratched the demon's face harshly, blood seeping out of the cut skin as the woman yelled out in pain.

"Consider that your final warning. Where the fuck is she?" 

"The book is on the table." Violet whimpered as she held her scratched face and attempted to heal it. Katya walked over and picked up the glowing storybook, opening it's shining pages and laying it on the floor.

"And where's her body?" Katya pressed.

Violet's hand hovered over the floor and soon Trixie's unconscious form was revealed. The High Priestess walked over to the girl, sitting down beside her and combing her hair away from her face lovingly as she felt a tear fall. 

"I'll find you, Trixie. I won't give up until you're free. I promise." Katya whispered, kissing the girl's forehead gently before she stood back up. 

"You won't be able to get her out of that book. She has to leave willingly and she will not do that unless she is found by someone whom she knows and trusts." Violet spoke spitefully as the blue eyed woman walked over to the book on the floor.

"Well, she trusts me. You and Ezerishin may have tricked her, but once I explain everything she will trust me again." 

"You truly know nothing about this, do you? The Trixie who knows you is an adult, but the abandoned child who's soul is in that book is just that; a child. You may know the girl now, and you might have even been able to convince her that she should trust you, but the child in that book does not know you at all. That child only knows her mother and I have been kind enough to procure an image of her mother for her, so why should she ever go with you? You are no one to that child. You're a complete stranger." The other woman said.

Katya only then realized how cruel the demon's powers truly were. The High Priestess had never liked demons who grew their strength from devouring the souls of children as it to her felt like crossing an imaginary line.
However, she had not realized before that moment that by trapping a child that had known no love for all their life in such a way, and by having their only escape be if they were either too weak to actually leave or be that they voluntarily left with someone they could trust, you'd effectively make sure that the children could in fact never be freed. Still, Katya refused to give up. The prophecy had to count for something, there had to be some way to get Trixie out of there.

"I'll find a way." She said before she jumped into the book, glowing starlight surrounding her before she landed in a baby pink bedroom where a little girl sat and played with her Barbie dolls.

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