Chapter 7: A Wounded Heart

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Katya was already sitting by a table when Trixie entered the coffee shop. The brown eyed girl had spent all night wondering why someone like Katya would ever want to spend her lunch break with someone like Trixie.
Katya practically screamed badass.
Her arms were decorated by intricate tattoos and her clothes looked like they'd jumped out of a music video, despite Trixie only having met the girl in casual settings so far.

Today she had on tight, high waisted, black leather pants, a black and red jeweled crop top, black high heeled ankle boots, and a long, oversized, sheer black jacket. She looked ridiculously good, and also ridiculously overdressed for a meetup at a coffee shop. Trixie usually felt bold in her own fashion choices because of her bright color choices, but she almost felt plain in her little pink, puff-sleeved 60s dress as she viewed Katya's outfit. 

"Trixie, you came!" Katya said excitedly as the curvy blonde made her way over to the demon's table. 

"Of course I did." The brown eyed girl replied as she sat down, surprised to see multiple drink and food items already in front of her seat. "What's all this?" She asked.

"Oh, I wasn't sure what you liked, so I got a couple different options." Katya responded simply. 

"A couple? Five different drinks, three cupcakes, and three sandwiches are a couple options?" Trixie said as she viewed the selections. 

In front of her was a pink lemonade, a bottle of Coke, a cup of black coffee, a cup of lemon tea, and a salted caramel mocha latte. Then there was also a red velvet cupcake, a vanilla cupcake with pink frosting, and a chocolate cupcake. And finally there was a vegetarian sandwich with advocado and peppers, a BLT, and a cheese and ham sandwich.

"Yes, I just hope you like at least one thing, 'cause otherwise I will get more options." Katya stated with a bright smile as she sipped her coffee.

"Well, I do like pink lemonade, and I'm vegetarian, so the veggie sandwich does sound good. But you really shouldn't be spending this much money on me, Katya." 

"Firstly, take whatever you like. Secondly eat the pink cupcake, I can see your eyes going towards it. I know you want it, so don't be modest. And thirdly, this is absolutely nothing, so don't worry about the money." Katya told her. 

It was true, a few food items was nothing to Katya. Money in general was nothing to Katya. She could make money by snapping her fingers, so spending it was no issue at all. 

"Oh.. okay then, thank you." Trixie replied, carefully moving the plates and drinks around until the pink lemonade, veggie sandwich, and vanilla cupcake were in front of her.
"Do you make a lot at the tattoo shop?" She asked, finding herself genuinely curious, but also worried that the question would appear rude. 

"Not really, there's not a huge demand for tattoos in the area, but well... money's something I've always just kind of had." The blue eyed girl replied.

Trixie didn't fully understand what she meant by that, and wondered to herself if the girl was some sort of heiress and why she in that case was spending her time at a tattoo shop, but she decided against enquiring further and therefor just nodded her head at Katya's answer. 

"So, tell me about yourself." Katya said suddenly. 

"Okey...ehm, I'm 24, I work as a librarian, I like bright colors, especially pink, and well that's pretty much it I guess..." Trixie said, finding herself saddened by the fact that her current life could be summed up in such a simple manner. She was surprised to see however that Katya responded to this as if it was the most natural way to describe yourself. 

"Cool! I'm 28, I work as a tattoo artist, and I like darker colors, especially red." 

The age of course was a lie, Katya was nearing her 4700th birthday, but of course that's something you'd keep out of conversations with humans. Still, it wouldn't have felt right for her to claim to be the same age as Trixie, so she added a few years.

"What do you do for fun?" Katya asked. 

"Uh.. I read for the most part.. I like reading." Trixie responded.

"You don't hang out with friends? Go out to party?" The blue eyed girl asked in surprise. 

Trixie was young, kind, and very hot. It was ridiculous for someone like her to not be out in the clubs with friends. Katya knew she didn't have family, that was a given because of her destiny, but she'd never heard that the partners of rulers didn't have friends. On the contrary those friendships had often complicated matters for previous rulers. 

"No... you can't really hang out with friends when you don't have any friends to hang out with." The girl replied sadly. Katya placed her hand on top of Trixie's where it layed on the table, and gave it a comforting squeeze.

"Well, you have one now." 

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