Chapter 19: In Control

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"All you had to do was ask, детка." Katya said before pushing three fingers deep inside the panting girl, making Trixie scream from the delicious pain of the stretch.

Trixie had always thought she'd have a rather vanilla sex life, all her kinky desires had been pushed away to the back of her mind, and yet here she was loving the pain.  Katya's fingers seemed impossibly long inside her, reaching deeper then what should be possible, deeper than any of Trixie's toys ever had. They also seemed to both thrust quickly, and yet have time to curl up towards her g-spot every time they filled her. 

"You're so wet, baby. So wet for me..." Katya whispered in a tone that made Trixie's thighs shake.
"You want to cum again, don't you?" The demon said with a smirk.

"Uh.. God.. ye-yes, please.." Trixie moaned as Katya's ruthless thrusts continued, the bed rocking back and forth and banging harshly against the wall.

"Well, too bad." Katya said, pulling her fingers out completely.

"What?" The brown eyed girl asked with tears in her eyes. 

"You're going to hold it in for me, until I say you can cum." The demon said with a smirk as she stepped off of the bed.

She was feeding off of the control, living off of the power she had. Even without the ability to control the girl's mind, she knew Trixie was at her mercy. 

"No Katya, please! Please, please.. I'll do anything, please." Trixie begged, sitting up on her knees. 

"Aaw, look at you.. Begging on your knees for me... So pretty.. So good.." Katya whispered as her hand groomed through the young girl's hair softly.
"But you see baby, good girls wait patiently." She added. 

Trixie felt her jaw go slack just from the tone of Katya's voice. There was a fire in the demon's eyes that Trixie had never seen before, and the usual bright blue color was now so dark that it almost looked black.

"Will you be good for me?" Katya asked seductively, her hand traveling from Trixie's hair and down her neck, reaching up to pull at her earlobe for a second before she connected their lips in a passionate kiss.

"Huh? Will you, baby?" She asked as she pulled away before kissing and sucking Trixie's neck, making dark marks on her pure, pale skin.

"I will, I'll be good." The young girl said breathlessly.

"That's my good girl... Now, how do you feel about being tied up,  кукла?" Katya said with a dark smirk.

"I'm... I'm okay with it." Trixie admitted with a deep blush.

"Perfect." Katya said before biting her lip.

With a flick of her wrist, ropes tied themselves to the bed posts, and then to Trixie's wrists and ankles. She then made an intricate rope harness appear, the ropes crawling across the girl's skin like snakes before tying themselves, and as Katya closed her fist, the ropes tightened fully. The material wrapped itself tightly around the girl's boobs, making them appear impossibly larger, her swollen nipples sticking out crudely. It also went around her waist and a single piece of rope went between her legs, rubbing against Trixie's clit and core at the smallest movement.

"Fuck, you should see yourself right now..." Katya groaned out as she viewed  her artwork.

The demon flipped the girl over with a simple wave, and Trixie found herself grow impossibly wetter at the immense power the High Priestess had. The way Katya could take control over her with even the smallest movement turned the young girl on more than anything ever had before.

Trixie was right on the edge, and Katya knew how to take advantage of that. She brought her hand down on the girl's ass harshly, the soft cheek turning red as Trixie moaned loudly.

Katya stepped on the bed behind her, lifting Trixie's torso up before tugging on the rope between her legs.

"U-oh... fuck.." The girl moaned brokenly, as soft tears fell from her eyes. "Please.. Please Katya, please let me cum." Trixie begged.

"Not yet." Katya said, pushing her down on her hands and knees again, and slapping her ass once more.

Trixie yelled out in pain and pleasure. The slap made the harness rub against her wetness and made her boobs bounce despite the tight hold of the ropes around them.

Katya's eyes never left the girl. The demon was lost in her own pleasure and lust, completely devoured by her own nature. The need for control and power had taken over completely.

She stepped off the bed and moved to the other side, ripping her own clothes off roughly as she moved, before situating herself in front of Trixie with her legs wide open.

The young girl blushed as she saw Katya's wetness in front of her, but also felt an overwhelming need to please the other woman. She felt desperate to taste her, desperate to make her reach completion.

Trixie looked up at Katya for permission, having completely submitted to the other woman. Katya gave her a nod and so the brown eyed girl leaned forward and tentatively started to lick Katya's glistening core.

Katya groaned and let head fall back as she rocked her hips against the girl's mouth, greedily fucking herself on Trixie's tongue. She pushed Trixie's head closer, smirking as the girl moaned since the action had caused the ropes to move.

"Shit, I'm so close, baby... you're doing so well.. you're so good for me..." Katya moaned as she felt her high approaching.

"Ah fuck! Trixie!" Katya yelled as her orgasm hit her like a truck. Her entire body shook intensely at the feeling, the succubus having been deprived of real sexual contact for an unusually long time.

Katya sat up and pulled Trixie up with her. The young girl was completely wrecked. Her lips swollen, her cheeks flushed, her eyes glossy, and her hair a mess. In Katya's eyes, she'd never looked more beautiful.

"Do you want to cum?" Katya asked as she pulled on the rope between Trixie's legs.

"Mhmm, please.." Trixie said softly, her eyes closed as she rubbed herself as much as she could against the rope. It was a painful sensation, the rope rough against her, and yet she felt too desperate for any sort of friction to care.

"Okay, cum." Katya said simply, and in the same moment Trixie felt the familiar wave of pleasure wrack through her.

She screamed Katya's name at the top of her lungs as her body contorted and shook violently, her toes curling as she came hard.

Katya watched her in awe, compeltely transfixed by the sinful display. Once Trixie had calmed slightly, Katya made the ropes disappear and pulled the exhausted girl into her arms.

"You did so well, baby. So well... My perfect baby... You did so good.." Katya praised as she kissed away the marks the ropes had made, healing the girl's skin in seconds.

Trixie snuggled closer into Katya, cutely yawning before sleep took over. The demon watched her fondly, combing her fingers gently through her messy hair as she watched her fall into a peaceful slumber.

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