Chapter 6: Won't Miss The Moment

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Katya realised that burning the girl’s arm was a bit much, but when she randomly bumped into Trixie, she couldn’t help but feel desperate to take full advantage of the opportunity fate had gifted her.

“Does it hurt much?” Katya asked, knowing fully well that it wouldn’t hurt much at all. She’d never actually severely harm Trixie.

“Only a little, thank you for worrying tho.” Trixie replied softly, innocent honey brown orbs looking at Katya as the High Priestess ripped open a pack of burn gel.

”This is gonna be a little cold.” The blue eyed girl warned. She didn’t know why she felt the need to warn the girl, it wasn’t like the gel would feel very uncomfortable or harm her in any way, and yet Katya felt she needed to tell the beautiful girl to be prepared.

“Okay.” The other girl replied with a slight blush.

Katya spread the gel carefully on the burnt arm, trying her best to disguise the fact that she was also healing it with the help of her powers, only letting the redness remain so the girl wouldn’t get too suspicious. The moment felt oddly intimate, the air around them thick as they gazed at each-other.

The High Priestess found herself to be endlessly fascinated by Trixie’s beauty. Even with a huge coffee stain on her dress and a reddened arm, the girl looked flawless in Katya’s eyes.

“There. All better.” Katya said as she finished the healing process.

“Wow, that actually does feel a lot better. Thank you... ehm..” The brown eyed girl said, clearly searching for a name.

“Katya. Katya Zamolodchikova.” She introduced, holding out her hand for the girl to shake.

“Nice to meet you, Katya. I’m Trixie Mattel.” The girl replied, shaking Katya’s hand.

“I know.” Katya thought to herself, before she replied.

“Nice to meet you too. Now, would you like a change of clothes? Since I ruined your dress?”

“Oh, that’s very nice of you, but I live right around the corner, so I’ll be okay. I’m just heading home anyways, so it doesn’t really matter.” Trixie told her as she picked up her bag.

”Okay then, if you are certain.” Katya said.

“I am, thanks again for the offer tho.” The girl said and before Katya could stop her, the girl was out the door. But fate once again smiled upon the demon; Trixie’s keys had fallen out of her bag.
Katya ran out quickly, but not too quickly, remaining careful to not reveal her powers.

“Trixie, wait!”

The brown eyed girl turned with a confused look, but remained in place as Katya ran up to her.

“You dropped your keys.” The blue eyed woman said as she held up the lost item.

“Oh thank you! Jesus, my head must really be in the clouds tonight. I really can’t thank you enough.” Trixie said as she took the keys from the other girl’s hand. Katya could have sworn that sparks of electricity surged through her at the brief touch.

“Well, if you really wanna thank me, how about you go out for coffee with me?” Katya suggested with a confident gleam in her eyes.
“Oh.. ehm, I’m really not the type of girl you’d want to hang out with.” Trixie spoke sadly as she looked down at her feet. The poor girl was too hurt from the ghosts of her past to accept that anyone could be genuinely interested in getting to know her.

Katya felt her heart clench at the statement, even tho she knew far too well that the girl’s human life was destined to be a lonely one. It was a sad truth of every partner of the rulers of the Realm of Darkness. The blue eyed demon had never thought much about how that fate truly hurt the partners, but seeing the pain in Trixie’s eyes, that made it all too real.

With a gentle hand, Katya tilted Trixie’s chin up so their eyes could meet once more.

“Trust me, you’re really the type of girl I’d want to hang out with.” She spoke sincerely. A cute blush spread across the girl’s cheeks and a soft smile appeared on her pink lips.

“Okay then.” Trixie said softly.

“Wonderful. How about tomorrow at noon? There’s a coffee shop right by the library, would that be good for you?” Katya asked.

“Yeah, I work at the library, so that’s perfect.”

“Great, I’ll see you then, Trixie.” The blue eyed girl said with a content smile.

“See you then, Katya. Bye.” Trixie said before walking away, disappearing into the shadows of the night.

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