Chapter 8: Chase The Time

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"Thanks for today, I had fun." Trixie said honestly. In truth, she couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed as much as she had with Katya.

"I did too, and I'd love to meet up again soon, so just call or text me anytime. Or you can of course stop by the shop." Katya said. She knew she needed Trixie to fall in love quickly. Time was ticking away and she did not have forever, but she also knew that patience usually wins out in the end.

"I will, I promise." Trixie replied.

"Good." The blue eyed girl said with a smile.

She wanted to hug Trixie, wanted to feel those sinful curves pressed up against her, and not just in the dream realm this time, but she could tell that Trixie wasn't ready for it yet. Still, staying away was more and more painful for the succubus.

"Well, I should get back to work, but I'll see you soon." Trixie said softly, looking a little sad about the fact.

"Until we meet again." Katya said playfully before kissing the girl's hand, figuring that it was an innocent enough action. She felt pleased when she saw a pretty blush spread across Trixie's cheeks.

"Okay, bye." The brown eyed girl said with a cute little wave and a shy smile before she walked away.

"Bye Trixie!" Katya called after her, making the girl turn and give another short wave.

Katya knew it was her destiny to love the girl, but she hadn't thought liking her would be this easy. There was no flaw about her, nothing to correct. Trixie was kindhearted, pure and sweet, and yet Katya knew her dreams. She knew the girl had lustful desires, and she was determined to help Trixie explore those fantasies.

They matched better than Katya had expected. In so many ways they were polar opposites and yet their humor was similar, and they were both clouded by heavy burdens. Somehow Katya felt a sense of calm around Trixie, as if she was complete and evened out. Her scale which so often tipped in one direction too quickly, was completely still when she was around the girl with the honey brown eyes.

Demons don't wait for feelings as humans do. Demons just know. They trust the flow of fate. Trust that destiny will lead them correctly. Even if they didn't like their partner, they'd know that they were meant to be loyal to them. Of course, loyalty to them did not mean being faithful. It more so meant protection and stability.

Katya however could not imagine herself ever being unfaithful to Trixie. As a succubus she chased physical pleasure, but after feeling Trixie even just in the dream realm, which was less intense than in the real world, she knew that no one could ever compare. And why chase a rock when you could have gold?

She just needed patience. If she kept a cool head then she'd have Trixie in her arms soon enough. Then she'd be able to feel all of her. Corrupt that innocent mind and realise the girl's darkest desires. Paint that skin in red and purple marks, maybe even tattoo her own mark on the girl's porcelain skin. Push her to the edge and still make her beg for more. Make the girl scream her name until her voice disappeared.


Yes, that was what Katya's biggest trial would be.


Luckily she liked Trixie, she liked her a lot, so being patient physically whilst spending time with the girl would not be as hard as it would have been had she not liked the girl at all.
Still, the animal in her needed to be fed. That lustful demon that irked to come out needed to taste the girl's skin, needed to feel the girl clenching around her, needed to leave traces to show the world that no one but Katya could touch her.

She needed a trip to Trixie's dreams, otherwise that demon would be let loose. She needed to feel Trixie, even if it was less intense. Katya wanted to be strong enough to resist, but her lust was growing by the minute. And so she took another trip, begging in her mind that the girl would grant her consent as she had before.

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