Chapter 36: Looking For Truth

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When Katya arrived at the library to pick up Trixie from work, she had not expected to find the building completely empty. She searched through the shelves, but Trixie was nowhere to be found.

"Trixie? Trixie!" She yelled out, but there was no response.

Panicked, she dialed the girl's number, but the Trixie did not pick up, and so Katya left, completely unaware that the young girl and the demon who had trapped her, were both hidden in the library wall.

Katya went to Trixie's apartment next, searching through the girl's home for any trace before she transported herself to her tattoo shop, but again she found nothing. She was burning with rage, as she knew there was only one explanation. 

"The fucking council." She spat out. 

She wanted to go to the Realm of Light and burn down their entire Kingdom, but she knew that she was not yet strong enough. Katya then remembered what Jinkx had said about there being another prophecy and instantly she knew where she had to go. 

The old demon's house was a grim place. From it's appearance you'd never guess that one of the most important figures in the Realm of Darkness lived there. It was sat upon a black lake, it's water filled with damned souls that would reach out for help every few seconds. Madam Galina was the closest Katya would ever come to having a mother or a grandmother, the woman having watched over her destiny since her creation.

"Yekaterina, what brings you here?" The old woman asked as the High Priestess entered her hut.

"My destined partner has been stolen, and I need information. I have heard there is a second half to the prophecy of the Eternal Ruler. I have to know what it is. I need to know why the council is attempting to stop me from ascending the throne." Katya said.

Madam Galina was gifted, she not only knew every prophecy but she would also likely be able to see who was responsible for Trixie's disappearance. Katya of course knew that the council was involved somehow, but not to which degree, and she needed to know how they had managed to take the girl despite the tattoo. 

"I am sorry to hear that, but it seems in line with what the prophecy tells us. You know, prophecies are fickle things. We learn one, and then we learn another, and most interpret them differently. The prophecy itself says that; When the true heir of the Prince of Darkness sits on the throne, she will lead the second attack on the Realm of Light. And as the world's light stops glowing, she will rise from the ashes. For She is the bringer of Darkness, the Eternal Ruler of the Damned, the devourer of Light." Madam Galina told her.

Katya was shocked by it's dark message.
Could it really be? But she had no wish for the world's destruction, so why would she cause it?

"I'll ruin the world?" She asked, but to her surprise the old woman laughed at this.

"I see you've drawn the same conclusion as the council. But no, my child, you will not ruin the world. What the prophecy really tells us is that the council will provoke you to the point that you will attack them. The council calls themselves the light of the world, but out of fear of the prophecy they have been devoured by darkness as they set out to harm a human. You will bring justice by condemning them for their sin." The woman said.

"So their fear of the prophecy is what will make it come true?" Katya said, trying to fully comprehend what the woman was saying.

"Yes. They cannot see it, but their actions against the woman you love is what will bring their destruction."

"The woman I love?" Katya questioned nervously, feeling heat rise to her cheeks.

"Kathinka, do you want to keep lying to your heart and hold yourself back? Love is strength. A strength most demons will never receive, can never receive. You have been given a gift. You love her, so let yourself accept it." The woman scolded her like a mother. Katya didn't respond, but she felt her heart beating out of her chest at the words the other demon had spoken, the word love flying around like butterflies in her mind.

"Who has her?" Katya asked, desperate to change the subject, but also frightened that she might be running out of time. 

"The only one who's power is not limited by the tattoo. Ezerishin freed her from her prison, and now she has returned to her children. Remember, the girl you love has the soul of an abandoned child, as all humans who are the destined partner of a demon ruler have. The council knew the girl's weakness, knew the sorrowful hand destiny had dealt her, and used it to capture her. But there is still time, the book's light still glows." Madam Galina told her.

Katya didn't need to consider the woman's words for long. There was only one who preyed on the soul's of abandoned children. That monster found innocent kids who had felt the curse of loneliness and then she trapped them in a false safety until their souls had faded away completely. 

"Violet." Katya with gritted teeth. 

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