Chapter 43: When Determination Falters

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"No, I refuse to believe that we have lost. There must be a way to change this. There must be a way to stop her." Aurora practically screamed as she slammed her fist down on the table.

"Aurora, calm yourself." Her sister said as she placed a hand upon the shoulder of the Goddess.

"How could Violet fail us this way?" Keorishin said as he shook his head in disappointment. "Now Yekaterina is not only in power, but that monster is on the loose." 

"I apologize for not keeping her under further control, Your Divine Grace. I should have known better than to leave her with the girl." Ezerishin said as he bowed his head.

"I cannot believe you left her alone, you foolish, foolish man." Aurora spat. 

"Aurora!" Aurelia said in shock at her sister's harshness. 

"I do not think you should speak on foolishness, Aurora. Or was it not your idea to let the beast loose to begin with?" Ezerishin argued.

In that very same moment a flash of black filled the room, the walls rumbling from the intrusion, as a familiar figure appeared before them.

"Now, now Ezri. Why must you be so harsh? Is it not too dramatic to call me a beast?" Violet spoke with a content smirk as she viewed their shocked faces.

"Arrest her." Keorishin simply ordered, guards moving towards the demon seconds later.

"Hold on, let me speak, please. I can still help you. Yekaterina loves the girl, truly loves her, that means that she can be used against her. If you grant me another chance I will not disappoint. A heartbroken demon ruler can not truly focus on destroying the world, now can she?" The demon spoke.

"Doing anything to harm the girl would be unproductive, she's too strong now. It is too high a risk." Auralia spoke wisely.

"I respectfully disagree, there are ways." Violet replied.

"Well, I for one would love to see Yekaterina's heart be ripped out. Figuratively or literally." Aurora spoke spitefully.

"Aurora, you will blacken your heart, do not say such things." Her sister warned.

"Whilst I do not agree with wishing the High Priestess' heart ripped out, I do agree that we must do anything to prevent the prophecy." Keorishin said.

"See, His Divine Grace agrees. The girl must be removed." Aurora said with a smirk.

"But she is immortal, her entire body strengthened by the water of the red tide." Ezerishin said.

"Yes, but she is no longer human. That means she can be trapped just like a demon can. You trapped me for years, why not lock her up in a similar prison?" Violet suggested. 

"You don't mean the cells of Jeboulin? Is that not taking things too far?" Aurelia spoke. "Even if she is not human, she is still an innocent. She has harmed no one." She added.

"Her very existence threatens the safety of the world as we know it. Violet is right, she could be locked up in the cells of Jeboulin, and the horror of not being able to free the girl should break Yekaterina. This is our last chance to stop the prophecy. The girl may have saved Yekaterina's life and granted her the throne, but they are not bound by marriage yet and so the prophecy can still be stopped." Keorishin said.

"But.." Aurelia tried.

"Enough Aurelia, His Divine Grace has spoken. And so it shall be." Ezerishin said.

"And so it shall be." Aurora repeated.

"And so it shall be..." Aurelia said in a small voice, feeling the guilt of their actions eat her up more and more.

"Now, if I succeed in this, I want a greater reward." Violet said.

"I will grant you your full freedom. If you succeed in this, I will give you back your freedom." Keorishin said, causing the others to gasp.

"Keorishin, you cannot! She is a danger to the children of the world!" Aurelia argued, raising her voice for what seemed to be the first time in her life.

"Aurelia! You do not speak to His Divine Grace like that!" Ezerishin scolded making the girl cower in her seat. 

"But I can not just.. I can not sit back and let this happen..." Aurelia spoke sadly.

"Sister you disappoint me. There is a greater battle to win. That girl is no one." Aurora said.

"She is a life. A life who has been tormented by the hands of fate. A life who has not chosen her destiny." Aurelia argued.

"She is a demon now, the root of evil and the fuel to the earth's destruction." Her sister told her. 

Aurelia held her tongue then, but the feeling of guilt remained. Even after the meeting, the young Goddess found her heart to be heavy as she thought of what they had tried to do to a human, the laws they had broken. Even if the girl was no longer human, Aurelia could not find any joy in the thought of capturing her. But Aurelia knew her voice would not heard. The deed would be done, no matter her position on the matter. 

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