spring begins

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Katara's POV


I screamed louder then ever, looking around in the darkness chasing after a woman who looked like my mother. I had to get her back. "Mum please. don't go! don't leave me!". I begged and begged but all she did was run. I started hearing another voice.

"Katara? hey Katara!"

"m-mum?". I felt myself fade from what I saw and all of a sudden I was in my bed being brutally shaken by my brother.

"Katara! wake up damn it!" Sokka huffed as he kept shaking me. "Hey I'm up I'm up." I pushed him off me making him fall back on to the floor, rolling my eyes I got up and sighed staring at him as he groaned on the floor before asking. "are you alright?"

he reached out for help to get up so I helped him. "sorry.. I was dreaming..". I stepped around him to get my clothes out to change into so I can get ready for school.

"It was about mum again huh?" Sokka asked but I just simply nodded, of course it was about mum. that's all my dreams have been about for years. "look Katara. you're having a lot of trouble sleeping. and you're working super hard too. for school and for me. why don't I cook tonight?".

"HAH. no chance. sorry Sokka I love you and all that rubbish but I don't want to get food poisoning tonight or any night. I'll cook." I couldn't help but laugh at his offer, he can't cook to save his life but I could see I hurt him when saying it. "I'll make your favourite okay? just go and get ready now and meet me downstairs."

Sokka nodded closing the door behind him after he left. "ughh.." holding onto my bed I let out a soft groan, my head was killing me, and I can barely sleep. Sokka's right, I am over working myself  but what else can I do. I have to look after him.


Toph's POV

"Mmm.." I woke up to my alarm, and I still couldn't see anything. "good morning nothing." I sighed before moving off my bed and finding my clothes and putting them on. I could feel everything around me. But my parents didn't know that. they think I'm in need of constant help and support.

"Toph? Do you need help getting ready darling?" a light voice was heard outside the door.

"No I'm good mum!" I yelled back and fixed my hair before picking up my bag and walking downstairs, holding onto the walls so my parents don't suspect anything. "Who's taking me to school today?" I lent against the wall.

"your father will honey" mum replied.

I felt my father hold my arm and walk me to the car, helping me in and buckling my seatbelt for me, then shutting the door and driving me to school. I couldn't help but feel bad for my parents. they don't need to take care of me. but if I told them that, they'll be sad, they want to take care of me, they love me.

"here you go Toph, have a great day at school, I'll be back to pick you up later. Love you lots and lots" he gave me a hug and let me go, now I could be me, the real toph.


Suki's POV

I'm one of the first students to make it into school. I get in early so I could practice for my self-defence club. It's quiet in the mornings which makes it peaceful. It feels good to start the day like this, so I have a clear mind and I can dodge anything the day throws at me.

"Suki? how long have you been here? jeez have you slept here overnight?" a low voice was heard from behind.

"hm? no of course not. you know I've only done that four times. now what do you want Jet?" I turn back at him, sort of angry because he interrupted me but what can you expect with a low life who has no manners.

"sorry to bother you. just wanted to check in, ask how your break was?" Jet asked with a small smirk.

"It was nice. now run along. go smoke or cover something in graffiti" I rolled my eyes and got back to my practicing. jeez that boy gets on my nerves. no respect at all.

8:00 AM

Sokka's POV

"hey look we aren't late!" I can't help but be happy at the fact that my sister and I aren't late to school for once, but actually early!

"yep well done for rolling out of bed early today Sokka" Katara smirked and flicked her hair back as she walked up the steps leaving me behind.

"well technically I rolled off YOUR bed because YOU pushed me." I frown as I scurry up the steps to catch up with her, hearing her laugh as we walk to our lockers.

"hmm" I look around not seeing a lot of students, jeez how early are we. suddenly we both heard a voice we wished we didn't hear so early in the morning.

"Oh look. It's the blue eyed brats."

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