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I was walking to the base, the league of villains nowhere in sight. I picked up my goggles and searched the area to see if anyone was near and checked the building. Tossing my (h/c) out of my face as the cold wind blew in my face. I sighed and decided to use my quirk. (Quirk: Conjurer, the ability to create objects from aura and sense others aura (soul) and locate them) once I made sure I couldn't sense anyone I leaped onto another roof and sat there until the coast was clear and I could sense that no one was near. "Come on y/n, pull it together. You know that you can do this correctly." I sighed and conjured back my goggles and placed them on my head.

After an hour of cooling down I already knew no one would be there, I had checked multiple times just in case and I found a way in. As I leapt off of the roof and touched the ground there was a window that was open. As I snuck inside the window carefully and opened my eyes I saw a man covered in burns that were under his eyes, on his arms and hands, his neck and his stomach. I knew who that was, the villain Dabi. "Hello there, didn't expect any visitors." He shrugged, putting on a white t shirt and sitting down. "It's no use resisting kiddo." He placed his hand on my shoulder and I froze, deep blue eyes starring right at me. "Are you going to say anything or just wait?" He asked turning his head like a dog. "I- I thought I made sure no one was here..." I stuttered barely able to stand up straight as my whole body shook and my eyes filled with tears.

"What do you mean you made sure no one was here?" He looked confused and motioned me to sit down. As I sat down next to him I blared out "Why would I tell you!" I broke down crying. I couldn't contain it, the fear, the guilt. I had let everyone down Aizawa, Midnight, Present Mic, Endevour, All Might and Hawks who went missing..

"Listen, I'm not going to trap you here if you answer it." He replied, a frown sinking on his face. Was it guilt he was feeling? I wondered. He looked at me dead in my (e/c) eyes and asked again "What is your quirk?" He tilted his head, it was odd but cute in a way. " well... It's better if I show you." I replied. "Show me then." He added.

As I stood up and a mist began to surround my body, I suppressed it and a bubble of aura came over my body. I conjured my goggles and focused my mind on his heartbeat. "You- you are a man who holds a grudge, and I can hear your heart echo hatred." I stated, shocked and startled by the sound his heart was making it sounded like metal scraping on glass. "How.. what are you?" His eyes widened and tears began to fill his eyes. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you upset!" I started to shake and guilt fell over me. "Well, I guess it's my turn." He sighed lifting his hands and blue flames emerged. So that's how he has all those burns, I guessed.

"I should probably keep you here, you should meet the other hostage." He trailed off. "Other hostage?" I asked, confused and a bit scared. He lead me to a room with another person. It was a man, but why keep someone else here? As my thoughts trailed off and I sat down, he closed the door. "Hello, kid." I recognized that voice. Wait, I need to find a light switch. As I found a light and it flickered on I saw Hawks sitting there bruised and bloody. What the fuck happened to him. "What the fuck happened!" I yelled, demanding an answer from the man with velvet wings. "Shigiraki doesn't let me visit an old friend, so I got put here." He stated. "And who is this old friend, hmm?" I asked him glaring into his eyes. "Well, uhh... Dabi-" I cut him off "DABI?" "As I was saying Dabi is a childhood friend of mine, he's nice once you get to know him but his other friends are real bitches." He told me. "Well, how'd you meet him?" I wondered, I wanted to know how he knew him, how often he visited him and if All Might knew. I bet he didn't. "Well, you see kid. We would train together." He stated, tears filling his eyes as his wings shuddered like he was cold. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." I replied, I couldn't help but feel weight sit on top of me. Why did I feel guilt slip on top of me?

My eyes began to sink and I started feeling dizzy, I conjured a blanket and set it on both of us. As I started to fall asleep I heard a voice and someone tugging me. "Damn it why won't they wake up!" A shallow voice said as he proceeded to shake me awake. "What?" I exclaimed, feeling drowsy and dizzy needing my anxiety medication that I forgot to take. "Hello there, I'm Tomura Shigiraki. You might know me." He said proudly. "And you are?" He asked politely, waiting for an answer as he let go of me. "I'm y/n l/n! My father is f/n l/n head of the l/n family. That's all you need to know." I sat down, feeling dizzy. "Have any alphrazolam? I'm feeling really dizzy." I asked, hoping for a yes. I needed medication. "Yes, actually I take that. You have anxiety?" Shigiraki pulled out a vial of pills in his hoodie pocket and gave me one. "Thank you, very considerate are you." I complimented the man as my dizziness faded away and I started to feel less shaky. "Oh, it's nothing. Anyways, Dabi said you had an amazing quirk. Would you mind showing me?" He nodded.

As I showed him the quirk he marveled with delight, and clapped like it was a show. "That's interesting, we could use someone like you." He told me. "I'll think about it." I smiled and sat back down. I've never been praised for my quirk as it was a combination of my moms and dads, perfected. I was their perfect child, a perfect hero. I never wanted to be a hero, it sounded boring and tiring. But father insisted and I had to do what he said. So I thought about being a villain, sure they weren't really "villains" per say. They just had a different outlook on things. But I was given two days, and in two days I should know my answer.

Burned - Dabi and HawksWhere stories live. Discover now