Chapter One

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Jordan's POV

"Santos, I know you're in there! I want my money by monday or you are sleeping in the streets— do you hear me!" The banging on my malnourished door stopped and the retreating steps of Bob were heard all over my small apartment.

Dang that guy needs to relax a bit and maybe take a shower too.

Fuck I need to get that money or else Bob undoubtedly will put me on the streets. This is a shithole but he acts as if it's a fucking penthouse, he's lucky someone even pays him to stay here. Other than for not paying on time he hates me for no reason. Well— maybe not for no reason I'll admit sleeping with his niece wasn't my brightest move, but in my defense she was too hot for me to imagine she was related to that greasy old fuck.

Great now I'll have to ask Rob if I can double shift this week. I mentally groaned at that — I better go and get to it.

I put the now empty bowl of mac and cheese on the sink and decide I'll wash it when I'm back because I have to hurry to go and talk to Rob. I went to my room put my shoes and grabbed my keys, I checked if I had everything and once I confirmed that I had I made my way out of my apartment.

The Boston streets were busy this morning along with the freezing weather of January. I'm glad that the fuss of the holidays are finally over though — I've always had certain dislike towards the festivities, mostly because it consists of family gatherings and well—my family and I do not get along at all.

The craziness on the streets had greatly subsided but people still were too unbothered while driving way too much cause this morning alone I almost got ran over twice.

I got to the club and went inside — it took me not long to find Rob, he was moving boxes of liquor to the bar.

"I didn't know we were restocking today." I said as I sat in the barstool and grabbed one bottle that seemed to be whiskey and read it.

"It was supposed to be tomorrow but Wade moved it to today at last minute." Rob said as he put another box behind the bar on the floor, "What are you doing here anyway? You don't work today."

"Actually that's what I wanted to talk about."

Rob raised a brow and crossed his buff arms, "What are you going to ask for now Jordan?"

"You make it sound as if I'll ask for something bad," I huffed.

"It's because you probably are, look I can't lend you money, you know I would but January is the worst month financially."

"I wasn't going to ask for money you jackass. I was going to ask for extra shifts."

He sighed and turned to me, "I don't know Jord —we are full today."

"Come on dude I need to pay rent this week or I'll get kicked out and I'm hella short on money, talk it out with your boyfriend please." My asking seemed to result as Rob let out a defeated sigh, at least it was easier today than most times.

"Fine, I'll talk to Wade, you can take the bar shift tonight from twelve till three — we'll see what we arrange for tomorrow."

"Thanks man I owe you."

He chuckled, "I know you do, now help me up with the rest of these boxes."

"Aye sir," I joked and went to the back to get another box of bottles and then put them behind the bar.

All of my day went on helping Rob around the bar which I guess was my way of paying my debt. Once I was done with carrying boxes I went back home to get some sleep and change into better clothes to work in tonight.

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