Hoshi 🌟: you just called me a female dog excuse me
Me: you are excused
Hoshi 🌟: i- never a day when i don't get attacked lmao
Me: lol oops anyways was there something you wanted to tell me about?
Hoshi 🌟: actually yes um i'll probably be gone for a few days since i'll be visiting my father and my mother
Me: oh thats all? smh wasting my time i'll be glad i won't have to hear another shinee song again
Hoshi 🌟: EXCUSE YOU DONT DISRESPECT SHINEE *disgusted shawol noises* and for your information since you don't like hearing the sweet sweet sound of shine playing that's exactly what i'll do
Me: i dare you to try that go on do it and see what happens
Hoshi 🌟: i feel threatened idk if i want to be here anymore-
Me: honestly when are you ever not threatened?
Hoshi 🌟: gee i wonder who caused that Seen @5:43pm
Hoshi 🌟: ...
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Seen @5:43pm
Hoshi 🌟: i-
Me: ... oh shit i forgot everyone existed for a minute
Hoshi 🌟: wtf okay then-
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Me: oops wasnt me-
[Next day]
Jieun eagerly awoke and dressed, taking a warm, soothing shower and brushed her teeth. She was excited to keep painting and find out more about Jun since she considered him a friend (f's in the chat pls) now. A rush of enthusiasm fueled her energy to move on and hurry to the cafe. She would buy something at the cafe instead of making her own breakfast today.
Her pace quickened when she looked at the time and realised Jun would probably be there already waiting for her. Jieun soon saw the large, extremely unmistakable sign of the cafe and smiled to herself. She once again pushed the glass-paned doors aside and stared at the very table she and Jun had sat at a few days ago. And just like before, Jun was sitting there, waiting for her.
Before Jieun would greet Jun, she made sure to buy herself breakfast on the go. Jieun ordered an iced raspberry tea and an egg sandwich, paying and waiting a short minute before getting her food.
Jun smiled affectionately at Jieun who wasn't aware he was looking at her.
Jieun turned around shortly after thanking the person working at the counter and taking her stuff, locking eyes with her admirer. Her eyes widened slightly as she realised he had been watching her, which may sound a little creepy, but it was nothing like that. Jieun made her way to where they last sat when the two were here and took a seat.
"Hungry?" Jun asked, pointing at the food. Jieun let out a small chuckle.
"Yeah kinda. I rushed to get here and just planned to buy something to eat from here since I didn't make anything for myself back at home."
"Well, you can have that in the car or when we get to my place. Let's go!" Jieun smiled at the other, who had gotten out of his seat and started walking with Jieun following after. "Hey, do you mind if I get your number? I feel like we're good enough friends that we should probably stop talking through email." Jun said to Jieun. Jieun had no reason to say no and agreed keenly. He lent his phone to her and Jieun typed in her phone number. Jieun did the same, giving her phone to Jun. She saved his contact in her phone.
And like the day before, they got into the car and drove to Jun's overly sized house for a single person.
Jieun didn't eat her breakfast yet, which by now it would be considered brunch. So when they got inside, the first thing she did was open the triangular plastic thingy (idk what to call it lol-) and took out the sandwich it contained. As she dined on the egg sandwich, taking sips of tea as she went, Jieun suddenly remembered Jun mentioning showing her his dancing skills.
"Hey Jun? Weren't you going to show me a dance of some sort?" Jun looked a bit nervous at the recollection of that memory.
"Uh yeah..."
"Go on," she gestured quickly at him to show her. Jun inhaled once to control his anxiousness. He began walking, turning to look at Jieun after his first few steps.