Miasma of the void, Vanilla ice part 2

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"You're lying. DONT YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME!" Polnareff screamed out, Silver chariot already manifesting itself behind the void like stand.

"What? I hadn't heard that Polnareffs stand was that fast , or could attack at this distance." Vanilla ice observes the enraged stand, yet he did not feel intimidated. Not one bit.

"Hey.. look over here dammit! You piece of shit!" The rapier slashed multiple times towards the enemy in question, out of many blows there was one that sliced the stands shoulder. Polnareff screamed one more with rage, agony, and guilt. He could not accept the fact that Avdol was dead, he was taken away from him in Calcutta, Against Darby, and now Vanilla ice.

He refused to believe it.

The ground shook beneath the crusades. Joseph held a lighter in his hand as it illuminated the darkness around them. "What was that? Just when I thought the illusion had gone away, I heard the sound of a wall breaking somewhere in the mansion." He sighed, Kakyoin already feeling a strange disturbance within her.

"Mr. Joestar... Do you think it could be Avdol and Polnareff?" She looked at the two with worried eyes. Jotaros eyes narrowed, a huff leaving from his body.

"Dammit! I know I hit him, but he's not dead. They suddenly shrink and disappeared into their dimension. Both the user and the stand." Iggy stood by his leg, his small body quivering in absolute fear.

He couldn't even think straight, the fortune teller's "death" plaguing his mind. "Avdol... You're the one who said... You said if something happened, we had to think of ourselves first. You said you wouldn't save me. You liar!" He tried not to cry, he really did but his heart was breaking into two.

"Ever since India, all you've done is meddle in other people's problems!" He clenched his fist in anger, is fist. "You should have just left me alone!" He crouched down towards the cold tile flow, his emotions overwhelming him. He was lucky in doing so, since the void zoomed passed the wall, leaving a circular chunk missing.

The two users' eyes widened in fear, this enemy wasn't a joke."If I hadn't crouched down just then, I would have been killed. Is- is this Avdol's will telling me to live on? Is this his will telling me to fight?" A boulder looking object rolled across the floor, the chunks of where it rolled sucked into its void never to be seen again.

As it quite literally rolled towards the two users, Iggy summoned the fool to protect them. But even that was no match for the enemy. His stand was taken down, the only thing that remained was the grains of sand. Polnareff quickly grabbed Iggy, being mindful of the little dog's injury. As the void began to swirl around them, he began to think of a plan.

"It's too dangerous to stay in this room. Let's move!!" He commands, grabbing the little dog once more as he fled to another room. He begins grabbing furniture placing it against the door in an attempt to slow the enemy down.

As they made a run for it, the enemy followed behind them; Polnareff looking behind him.

"Up there, Iggy! Go upstairs! Up those stairs!" He pointed towards the nearest flight of stairs, the users descending it as Vanilla ice struck a few of the steps; causing Polnareff to lose a bit of his balance.

Fortunately for them, they made it to the second floor, the users running down a narrowed hall with Vanilla Ice right on their heels. Seeing a bright light at the end, he felt a sliver of hope within his veins. "That's the door we came through! But we can't go out that way." He stated, Iggy giving him a surprised look.

" Avdol sacrificed himself to save us, because he believed we could destroy Dio! I can't betray the trust of someone like that! Running away now is what a loser would do. I'm not running away I'm running to get to that bastard!" Iggy's eyes lit up with determination and respect for the man he usually hated. His tail spiked up as if he were to chase a squirrel, his canines bared for the world to see.

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